Assignment No.I introduction

Assignment No.I


  • Summary of the book
  • What I learnt form the book
  • How I integrate what I learnt from the book into my ministership

Radha Soamin Satsang Beas – Light on Saint John, 1967,
Gospel according to Saint John, the Holy Bible, New Testament, King James version


This assignment is the summary my personal view on and my personal experiences of Radha Soamin Satsang Beas book called Light on Saint John, published in 1967, and the Gospel according to Saint John, the Holy Bible, New Testament (King James version).

My main intention with reading this book was to see how Jesus’s teaching is still relevant regarding spiritual unfoldment today. When I started my own spiritual journey it was Jesus whom I could relate to the most in the mist of numerous teachers.

He ‘appeared’ to me one day and started a conversation with me that is still going on today. I consider him one of my teachers and my inner guide.

In some ways, I am also interested in his life in light of his teachings and how he was perceived by his contemporaries, disciples, and followers according to the scriptures.

Continue reading Assignment No.I introduction

The meaning of Life

“The spiritual awakening is the most essential thing in man’s life, and it is the sole purpose of being.” Khalil Gibran

“We came not into this life by exile, but we came as innocent creatures of God, to learn how to worship the holy and eternal spirit and seek the hidden secrets within ourselves from the beauty of life.

The true light is that which emanates from within man, and reveals the secrets of the heart to the soul, making it happy and contented with life.

Love is my sole entertainer, singing songs of happiness for me at night and waking me at dawn to reveal the meaning of life and the secrets of nature.”

Source – Kahlil Gibran: LOVE and the Meaning of Life


Diary of MS, Vol.1

Thoughts on discipleship, service and ministerial studies @ the BoL

Today, I decided to create a diary for my journey of the ministerial studies. I suppose this can be part of my assignments because these posts are accounts of my personal experiences of various study related material and encounters.
Budapest, 3/6/2016

Self-doubt as self-protection

This morning during meditation I had a strong feeling of ‘enough’. I felt as if life was telling me to stop hoping and wishing. In some ways what I experienced reminded me of my no-nonsense grandmother who lost faith in the unknown a very long time ago. At a time when I wanted to be an artist, she kept on reminding me that nobody cared about what I wanted or wished for and told me to get a proper profession that would pay my bills. Once again, I found myself sitting in waiting idly for the heavens to open so I can do what I long to do, my ministerial studies.

This crazy voice appeared and started screaming at me saying: ‘Why is it that you have not noticed that life does not support you in doing this? Can you not see the closed door? It is simply not for you! You would not be good for a minister, anyway, you don’t fill the bill! Look at yourself, how ridiculous you are! You are banging on a closed door! Go and find something more worthwhile to do!

I was struggling with thoughts like, ‘I may not be ready to do my ministerial studies properly. Maybe, the reason behind my studies finding solid ground and a proper form is because of my unreadiness to serve God and others. I may not, simply, be the right person for the job.’

Continue reading Diary of MS, Vol.1