40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God
From Release to Embrace
Rule 35
“In this World, it is not similarities or regularities that take us a step forward, but blunt opposites. And all the opposites in the universe are present within each and every one of us. Therefore the believer needs to meet the unbeliever residing within. And the nonbeliever should get to know the silent faithful in him. Until the day one reaches the stage of Insane-I Kamil, the perfect human being, faith is a gradual process and one that necessitates its seeming opposite: disbelief.”*
Today, we are releasing bitterness and embracing God’s Love for us.
Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release bitterness because there is no good reason for doing this. Not even righteous indignation merits retaining bitterness. Bitterness maintained means refusing to unshoulder a useless, debilitating burden. Until we drop the burden, betterment is blocked.
We feel lighter the moment we choose to let go of bitterness. No longer are we mistreating ourselves with the heavy burden we created. Rev Michael Jamison
As we realize that we are alone punishing ourselves by retaining what harms us and now we can evict it.
See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble, and through it many become defiled. Hebrews 12:15
Today we affirm: I replace bitterness with betterment
Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click) ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org
Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’, understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us.
I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between
the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,
I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).
Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English
Let’s walk this journey together!
Join me by …
either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)