Advent Week 1 – HOPE

The first week of Advent starts today. HOPE is the theme. This morning in my meditation I was contemplating on what to ‘hope’ for this coming week?

Looking at the state of affairs the world is in and the way I have felt these past few days, I realized that the best I can hope for is compassion.

For me, compassion diminishes the dark-feel of disparity and the adjoining judgement and indifference.

Today, I had a discussion with a fellow traveller who is on a rather different point of view to mine when it comes to ‘paths to enlightenment’.

In my world, ‘all roads lead to Roma’; whatever path you chose to attain enlightenment, make sure you chose what works for you regardless of what ‘main stream’ ideologists, theologists, or mystics claims to be the one and only true way to God.

The world is full of misunderstandings; we do not seem to use the same words; we strongly believe that what we consider ‘right’ or ‘just’ is the only way to live-and-breath; we tend to be righteous. And it is understandable, I must add, because our sense of security is based on our personal understanding of how the world operates.

I remind myself that I only have to answer to God; the God who resides within me. S/He is my counsel and judge. S/He loves unconditionally. So, I remind myself to dare, to dare to do my own thing, to dare to find my own unique and personal way to God and enlightenment!

For that, however, I must develop compassion. It is fundamental that I have compassion. I must embrace myself in my own Loving so I can stop judging myself in light of the dissimilarities that I may display. It is also crucial that I have compassion for others so I can prevent myself from judging them in protection of my own ‘integrity’.

I HOPE for compassion because compassion allows us all to live, let-live and to be – just as we all are.
