40 Days of Love – Day36

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 36

This World is erected upon the principle of reciprocity. Neither a drop of kindness nor a speck of evil will remain unreciprocated. For not the plots, deceptions, or tricks of other people. If somebody is setting a trap, remember, so is God. He is the biggest plotter. Not even a leaf stirs outside God’s Knowledge. Simply and wholeheartedly believe in that. Whatever God does, He does it beautifully.”


Today, we are releasing fear of lack and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release the fear of lack knowing that there is more than enough for everyone, me and you included.

There is no room for thoughts of lack in my consciousness. There is endless possibility within me and I want to see that manifest. I open my inner eyes and mind to tap into this good, and I demonstrate abundance in my life, world, and
affairs now.

As I affirm that I am blessed, I move into the knowing that ‘what is for me, will not pass me’. I focus on the abundant experiences, I blessed with, with Gratitude in my heart.

Rumi Quote: “Giving thanks for abundance is sweeter than the ... 

Today we affirm: The fear of lack has no power over me.
I am blessed.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Ramadan & Eid Cards10

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP

Contemplation Day35

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 35

In this World, it is not similarities or regularities that take us a step forward, but blunt opposites. And all the opposites in the universe are present within each and every one of us. Therefore the believer needs to meet the unbeliever residing within. And the nonbeliever should get to know the silent faithful in him. Until the day one reaches the stage of Insane-I Kamil, the perfect human being, faith is a gradual process and one that necessitates its seeming opposite: disbelief.


Today we affirm: I replace bitterness with betterment

And all the opposites in the universe are present within each and every one of us. Therefore the believer needs to meet the unbeliever residing within. And the nonbeliever should get to know the silent faithful in him. Rule 35

It is the same with everything. There is two side to each coin. Where there is bitterness, there is betterment as well. The believer must meet both. We live in a world of duality and until we reach stage of Insane-I Kamil, the perfect human being, we are evolving through realizing and embracing it all.

When we say in Unity, that we release something, it does not mean that we reject it. Though we use the word ‘denial’, we do not mean that we deny the existence of something. We simply state there there is another side to the coin that we want to bring forward and we release ‘experiencing’ what does not serve us. 

Everything, night and day, good or bad, health and illness exist in our world of duality. We simply strive to move higher into greater Oneness with the Divine, leaving duality behind. 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

The Feast of St. Joseph


Today we celebrate St Joseph, Jesus’ father: a holy man, the spouse of Mary, earthly father of Jesus and a hard-working carpenter.

I found this lovely text below on St Joseph that remind me how little we appreciate ‘the father’. The father we had may have came in many shapes and forms. The Divine Prescence that we often call Holy Father, or The Father (with capital letters) does act as a caring and loving person in our lives if we allow ‘him’  to do so. 

Many of us many not have had the biological father that we wished for. At the same time, if we take a close look at our lives, we can probably find male figures who acted as ‘fathers’ in our lives.  We are provided with what we need, the substitute father figure included, as long as we are open to the idea the Divine Grace that is constantly with us. 

Today, as we celebrate St Joseph, I wish to honour those man, my biological father included, who acted as fathers in my life though in different capacities.

My grandfather who was not biologically related to me because he was my grandmother’s second husband, was the man I considered my father. He was a man of  ‘tough love’ but he cared for me deeply. Sadly, he died when I was about 7 years old.

Soon after his death, my music teacher showed interest in my musical abilities and took me under his wings. He acted as a father to me because his involvement in my life went much deeper than a relationship between a teacher and a student. He shaped my character and took care of me when I was neglected because of different family problems at home.

In my late teens, my first serious boyfriend, who was about 10 years older than me, showed me the value of hard work and taught me many life lessons such as ‘minding my own business’ that I still value today.

Later in my twenties and thirties, many men showed up in my life in the form of collaborators, bosses, friends, etc.  who helped me grow and evolve both personally and spiritually.

I am grateful for you all, gentleman! You all had an enormous impact on my life. I bow in front of you with gratitude and honour in my heart. Without you, I would not be the person I am today. I want you all to know that I love you and respect you!



” In the Bible, he is referred to as a “just man,” which was considered a high compliment in his time. It also meant that he was willing and open to do whatever God asked of him, including taking Mary as his wife, despite her unusual – and blessed pregnancy (Matthew 1:19). He also loved and cared for Jesus. There also is a reference that St. Joseph was a descendant of King David.

St. Joseph protected his family, heeding the Lord’s direction, which came in a series of dreams and messages from angels.

Pope Francis issued an apostolic letter titled “Patris Corde” in Latin. It translates to “With a Father’s Heart,” in which the pope describes St. Joseph as a beloved father, a tender and loving father, an obedient father, an accepting father, a father who is creatively courageous, a working father and a father in the shadows.

… the Holy Father said we are able to see more clearly the importance of “ordinary” people who exercise patience and offer hope daily. These people resemble St. Joseph, “the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence,” who played “an incomparable role in the history of salvation.” Source

Here you can find some 10 little known facts related to St Josef. CLICK

40 Days of Love – Day35

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 35

In this World, it is not similarities or regularities that take us a step forward, but blunt opposites. And all the opposites in the universe are present within each and every one of us. Therefore the believer needs to meet the unbeliever residing within. And the nonbeliever should get to know the silent faithful in him. Until the day one reaches the stage of Insane-I Kamil, the perfect human being, faith is a gradual process and one that necessitates its seeming opposite: disbelief.”


Today, we are releasing bitterness and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release bitterness because there is no good reason for doing this. Not even righteous indignation merits retaining bitterness. Bitterness maintained means refusing to unshoulder a useless, debilitating burden. Until we drop the burden, betterment is blocked.

We feel lighter the moment we choose to let go of bitterness. No longer are we mistreating ourselves with the heavy burden we created. Rev Michael Jamison

As we realize that we are alone punishing ourselves by retaining what harms us and now we can evict it.

See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble, and through it many become defiled. Hebrews 12:15

Today we affirm: I replace bitterness with betterment

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Ramadan & Eid Cards9

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP

Contemplation Day34

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 34

Submission does not mean being weak or passive. It leads to neither fatalism nor capitulation — just the opposite. Real power resides in submission, a power that comes within. Those who submit to the divine essence of life will live in unperturbed tranquility and peace even the whole full World goes through turbulence after turbulence.


Today we affirm: In the middle of chaos, by the power of my
Spirit, I declare: “Let there be light.

Everyday life surrounds us in a swirling chaos, and it’s easy to fall into the grip of our ego’s fears and confusion. Remind yourself each day of your intentions and spiritual purpose. Meditate, find your center, look closely at yourself, and don’t let go of your intention until it feels centered inside yourself. Deepak Chopra


Those who submit to the divine essence of life will live in unperturbed tranquility and peace even the whole full World goes through turbulence after turbulence. Rule 34 

Well, not sure what else to say. There is only one way out of the chaos through meditation and connecting with the Divine Presence in the Silence. 

I have a lot of chaos in my life. I live an overwhelmingly complex life with many challenges and little time for God. The chaos is in my head. I let the world dictate what I should think about myself and and how to meet my needs.

Today, I am releasing all chaotic thoughts and emotions into the nothingness asking for Divine intervention and guidance, so I can live and more peaceful and aligned life. Thank you. 


What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day34

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 34

Submission does not mean being weak or passive. It leads to neither fatalism nor capitulation — just the opposite. Real power resides in submission, a power that comes within. Those who submit to the divine essence of life will live in unperturbed tranquility and peace even the whole full World goes through turbulence after turbulence.


Today, we are releasing chaos and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to realize that chaos in our lives is the result of our thinking. When facing chaos in our lives, it is necessary to review our thoughts and feelings. if they are not in agreement with the greatest desires in our hearts, we need to change those thoughts and feelings that caused and empowered the chaos.

Our Lent booklet invites us to look for the blessings in the chaos in our life; accept the opportunity it is giving us to be transformed. 

What blessings and learnings are there in your personal chaos? 

I really love today’s affirmation. Such a lovely invitation to connect with the indwelling Spirit and bring the Light forth by affirming : Let there be light!

Today we affirm: In the middle of chaos, by the power of my
Spirit, I declare: “Let there be light.”

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Ramadan & Eid Cards8

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP

Contemplation Day33

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 33

While everyone in this World strives to get somewhere and become someone, only to leave it all behind after death, you aim for the highest stage of nothingness. Live this life as light and empty as the number zero. We are no different from a pot. It is not the decorations outside, but the emptiness inside that holds us straight. Just like that, it is not what we aspire to achieve but the consciousness of nothingness that keeps us going.”


Today we affirm:  I release my need to be right

The wise man is one who knows what he does not know.  Lao Tzu

Live this life as light and empty as the number zero. … It is not the decorations outside, but the emptiness inside that holds us straight. … Just like that, it is not what we aspire to achieve but the consciousness of nothingness that keeps us going. Rule 33

Today’s rule reminded me again of the importance of ’emptiness’.  I have been told many times that the spiritual journey is mostly about unlearning and releasing. This Lenten Season – all Lenten Seasons – is a great opportunity to unlearn and let go.

This emptiness however does not give me a sense of ‘hunger’ but rather a sense of calmness. The less I strive to become someone or do something ‘great’, the more contented and at peace I feel. The world only offers me some temporary pleasures most of which I can live without. I am recognizing simple pleasures that are unattached from worldly neediness. Gardening for one. 

Buddhists believe that true happiness comes with complete detachment. The moment when we stop striving and needing, we arrive to a peaceful place of nothingness. The consciousness of nothingness provides me with with a sense of joy, peace, and satisfaction knowing that all I need to do with ‘flow with Spirit’. 

Though it sounds mystical, it is actually rather practical. Flowing with Spirit means staying aware of the present moment, engaging with what’s in front of me, and being contented with a ‘good day’s work’ just as it has been.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

St Patrick’s Day

What does St Patrick teaches us?

What I find the most interesting about St Patrick’s life is that he returned to the place of his slavery as a missionary with the intention to raise the consciousness of the local pagan people – his captors among them.

St. Patrick’s story talks about enlightenment by being separated from your herd, and great courage to return to the place where he was where once a captive.

St. Patrick used his own enlightenment and new-found faith to spread the word. So he became a missionary to raise people’s consciousness and understanding a ‘One God’ .

How to celebrate the day?

We can use the Celebration of St Patrick day to review our own faith whatever that may entail. We can observe what it is that we may need to become aware of and to do so we can lift our own consciousness to a higher platform.

We can also celebrate how far we have come on our journey of enlightenment.


Saint Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig, lit. ’the Day of the Festival of Patrick’), is a religious and cultural holiday held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick (c. 385 – c. 461), the foremost patron saint of Ireland.

The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, and, by extension, celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general.

Who was St Patrick?

Saint Patrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and Bishop in Ireland. Much of what is known about Saint Patrick comes from the Declaration, which was allegedly written by Patrick himself. It is believed that he was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century, into a wealthy Romano-British family. His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest in the Christian church. According to the Declaration, at the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Gaelic Ireland.

It says that he spent six years there working as a shepherd and that during this time he found God. The Declaration says that God told Patrick to flee to the coast, where a ship would be waiting to take him home. After making his way home, Patrick went on to become a priest.

According to tradition, Patrick returned to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. The Declaration says that he spent many years evangelising in the northern half of Ireland and converted thousands.

Patrick’s efforts were eventually turned into an allegory in which he drove “snakes”, heathen practices, out of Ireland, despite the fact that actual snakes were not known to inhabit the region.

Tradition holds that he died on 17 March and was buried at Downpatrick. Over the following centuries, many legends grew up around Patrick and he became Ireland’s foremost saint.


Celebrations generally involve public parades and festivals, Irish traditional music sessions (céilithe), and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks.[9] There are also formal gatherings such as banquets and dances, although these were more common in the past. Saint Patrick’s Day parades began in North America in the 18th century but did not spread to Ireland.

40 Days of Love – Day33

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 33

While everyone in this World strives to get somewhere and become someone, only to leave it all behind after death, you aim for the highest stage of nothingness. Live this life as light and empty as the number zero. We are no different from a pot. It is not the decorations outside, but the emptiness inside that holds us straight. Just like that, it is not what we aspire to achieve but the consciousness of nothingness that keeps us going.”


Today, we are releasing being right and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release the need to be right. Rev Ellen Debenport invites us to consider Jesus’ example when he is faced with Herod and Pilate. Jesus never explains himself or claims to be right. He always claimed to be a messenger but not the source of ‘all knowing’.

Often, it seems to me, that when we strongly believe in something we want everyone to believe in the same thing, partly to have company, partly because we want others to be happy. However, we often go about it in a way that we appear to be a ‘know it all’ or someone who is ‘right’. That is when arguments usually start.

Looking at Jesus’ example we can see that when we are firmly planted in a belief we neither need company, nor would we want to be right.

The wise man is one who knows what he does not know.  Lao Tzu

Today we affirm:  I release my need to be right

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day32

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 32

Nothing should stand between you and God. No imams, priests, rabbis, or any other custodians of moral or religious leadership. Not spiritual masters and not even your faith. Believe in your values and your rules, but never lord them over others. If you keep breaking other people’s hearts, whatever religious duty you perform is no good. Stay away from all sorts of worship, for they will blur your vision. Let God and only God be your guide. Learn the Truth, my friend, but be careful not to make a fetish out of your truths.”


Today we affirm: Collaborating with the Divine, my heart’s desires are fulfilled

Nothing should stand between you and God. No imams, priests, rabbis, or any other custodians of moral or religious leadership. Not spiritual masters and not even your faith … Stay away from all sorts of worship, for they will blur your vision. … Let God and only God be your guide. Rule 32

Today’s rule has always been my guide. The very reason I could not join any religious orders was this very rule. I have always been looking for a relationship with the Divine without others telling me ‘what’ or ‘who’ the Divine is.

I have nothing against any organised religions. I believe that they all serve a purpose. We join religious or spiritual organisations because we find our values matched there. This is how it should be. 

Not letting  anything stand between me and God is another matter. I believe that the reason why we are not enlightened beings, myself included, is because there are numerous things standing between me and God. Many things that we are practising to let go of during this Lenten Season are among them.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

Ramadan & Eid Cards7

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP

40 Days of Love – Day32

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 32

Nothing should stand between you and God. No imams, priests, rabbis, or any other custodians of moral or religious leadership. Not spiritual masters and not even your faith. Believe in your values and your rules, but never lord them over others. If you keep breaking other people’s hearts, whatever religious duty you perform is no good. Stay away from all sorts of worship, for they will blur your vision. Let God and only God be your guide. Learn the Truth, my friend, but be careful not to make a fetish out of your truths.”


Today, we are releasing competitiveness and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release competitiveness by reminding us of a great story from the Bible, the story of Jacob. Jacob was in constant competition with his brother Esau so much so that eventually he had to leave his home because Esau threatened to kill him. Learn more about their story from these two videos below:

We all a competitive streak in us. We are raised to look at the other so to see how valuable or worthy we are. At the same time, competitiveness can inspire us to challenge ourselves to do better, to evolve.

Admitting to the unhealthy way we express our competitiveness, we become like Jacob who lay his head upon a stone and dreamt of a stairway to heaven. As we release an aspect of ourselves that stands in opposition to others, grace reveals the steps to fulfilling the truest desire of our hearts: collaboration.

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4

Today we affirm:  Collaborating with the Divine, my heart’s desires are fulfilled  

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Ramadan & Eid Cards6

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP

Contemplation Day31

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 31

If you want to strengthen your faith, you will need to soften inside. For your faith to be rock solid, your heart needs to be as soft as a feather. Through an illness, accident, loss, or fright, one way or another, we are all faced with incidents that teach us how to become less selfish and judgmental and more compassionate and generous. Yet some of us learn the lesson and manage to become milder, while some others end up becoming even harsher than before.


Today we affirm:  I am safe and secure in God.  

Through an illness, accident, loss, or fright, one way or another, we are all faced with incidents that teach us how to become less selfish and judgmental and more compassionate and generous. Yet some of us learn the lesson and manage to become milder, while some others end up becoming even harsher than before. Rule 31

Once again, I find a strong relationship between today’s Lent message and affirmation and rule. When I way very young, I was playful, fun-loving, funny, bright and curious. Soon,  I learnt that the wold I lived in was cruel and vindictive. So, I changed.   I was so scared of the world around me that I chose to become harsh, judgmental and a fighter. 

During my journey of ‘becoming’, I slowly, slowly becoming milder, kinder and more compassionate. It has been challenging because when I look around I see how groups of people keep on choosing to become harsher and more cruel as a result of challenges, disagreements, differences, etc.

Everyday, I pray that we can start to see that harshness and cruelty only creates more pain because our true nature, our essence is Love which is kindness and compassion. 


What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day31

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 31

If you want to strengthen your faith, you will need to soften inside. For your faith to be rock solid, your heart needs to be as soft as a feather. Through an illness, accident, loss, or fright, one way or another, we are all faced with incidents that teach us how to become less selfish and judgmental and more compassionate and generous. Yet some of us learn the lesson and manage to become milder, while some others end up becoming even harsher than before.


Today, we are releasing insecurity and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release our sense of insecurity by contemplating our Divine Nature. As we recognize the Spirit of God as our true source of power, we immediately feel safe and secure. 

Nothing and no one has power over us. We are all grounded and centered in the Divine Presence as long as we choose that. By choosing, we plant our faith in something greater than ourselves who loves and cares for us. I call that greater presence the Divine or God. 

Today we affirm:  I am safe and secure in God.  

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Ramadan & Eid Cards5

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP

Rumi on Anxiety

In times of distress everyone calls for help; in times of toothache, and earache, in doubt, fear and insecurity. In secret everyone calls out hoping that One will hear and grant their requests. Privately, secretly, people perform good deeds to ward off weakness and restore their strength, trusting that Life will accept their gifts and efforts. When they are restored to health and peace of mind, then suddenly their faith leaves, and the phantom of anxiety soon returns.

“O God,” they cry again, “we were in such a terrible state when, with all sincerity, we called upon you from our prison corner. For a hundred prayers you granted our requests. Now, freed of the prison, we are still as much in need. Bring us out of this world of darkness into that world of the prophets, the world of light. Why can freedom not come without prisons and pain? A thousand desires fill us, both good and deceitful, and the conflict of these phantoms brings a thousand tortures that leave us weary. Where is that sure faith that burns up all phantoms?”

God answers, “The seeker of pleasure in you is your enemy and My enemy. When your pleasure-seeking self is imprisoned, filled with trouble and pain, then your freedom arrives and gathers strength. A thousand times you have proved that freedom comes to you out of toothache, headache and fear. Why then are you chained to bodily comfort? Why are you always occupied with tending the flesh? Do not forget the end of that thread: unravel those bodily passions till you have attained your eternal passion, and find freedom from the prison of darkness.”

― Rumi, It Is What It Is: The Personal Discourses of Rumi (source)

Contemplation Day30

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 30

The true Sufi is such that even when he is unjustly accused, attacked and condemned from all sides, he patiently endures, uttering not a single bad word about any of his critics. A Sufi never apportions blame. How can there be opponents or rivals or even “others” when there is no “self” in the first place? How can there be anyone to blame when there is only One?


Today we affirm: I see with divine eyes; grace fills my days and prospers my struggles

The true Sufi is such that even when he is unjustly accused, attacked and condemned from all sides, he patiently endures, uttering not a single bad word about any of his critics. A Sufi never apportions blame. Rule30

I see a deep relationship between ‘struggles’ and today’s rule. It seems to me that we often struggle because ‘judge’ what’s in front of us as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. In my experience struggle starts when I decide that something does not work. Every time when I want something but it is not happening or at times when I don’t want something and it keeps on popping up, I move into ‘struggle mode’. I either struggle to get something or struggle to avoid something. 

I don’t think we need to struggle. Challenges are good, we develop character through being outside of our comfort zone, but struggle is a kind of attitude. Struggle is similar to ‘drama’, to me. As I struggle, I try to manipulate my environment to help me or God to provide me with what I want. Very tricky!

If I could move into neutrality, like a Sufi, into a ‘mode’ of total acceptance of what is, regardless of circumstances, I would surly stop struggling. I would just go with the flow. I would just keep on embracing each moment with what it brings. It is a huge learning for me!

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

Shadow and Light

Shadow and Light Source Both

How does a part of the world leave the world?
How does wetness leave water?

Dont’ try to put out fire by throwing on
more fire! Don’t wash a wound with blood.

No matter how fast you run, your shadow
keeps up. Sometimes it’s in front!

Only full overhead sun diminishes your shadow.
But that shadow has been serving you.

What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is
your candle. Your boundaries are your quest.

I could explain this, but it will break the
glass cover on your heart, and there’s no
fixing that.

You must have shadow and light source both.
Listen, and lay your head under the tree of awe.

When from that tree feathers and wings sprout on you,
be quieter than a dove. Don’t even open your mouth for
even a coo.


40 Days of Love – Day30

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 30

The true Sufi is such that even when he is unjustly accused, attacked and condemned from all sides, he patiently endures, uttering not a single bad word about any of his critics. A Sufi never apportions blame. How can there be opponents or rivals or even “others” when there is no “self” in the first place? How can there be anyone to blame when there is only One?


Today, we are releasing struggle and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release the idea of struggle. What struggle is, in fact, the forging of our physical strength and the correction in our spiritual evolution.  Rev Ken Daigle

The best analogy for such a ‘struggle’ is the butterfly’s emergence from the chrysalis. The butterfly cannot take flight until releasing the cocoon and leaving it behind. in moments of struggle, we can remember that each instance involves a breaking free and renewing.

Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope … because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.Romans 5:3-5


Today we affirm: I see with divine eyes; grace fills my days and prospers my struggles

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day29

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 29

Destiny doesn’t mean that your life has been strictly predetermined. Therefore, to leave everything to fate and to not actively contribute to the music of the universe is a sign of sheer ignorance. The music of the world is all-pervading, and it is composed of 40 different levels. Your destiny is the level where you play your tune. You might not change your instrument, but how well to play is entirely in your hands.”


Today we affirm: I joyfully and fearlessly love with abandon.

Today’s Rule reminded me of ‘free will’. I grew up with victims who installed victimhood in me. I played the victim most of my life. I believed that my life was pre-destined until I knew better. I still find myself sometimes playing the victim where I feel that I don’t have a choice. Then I remind myself that I always have a choice. I may not have a choice in changing the my circumstances at the present moment but I do have a choice in how I am participating. 

The Bible verses below exemplify just that. The more I am aligned with the Divine Presence the less I feel a victim. I can see every event whether I like it or not personally, as an unfolding of something bigger, greater … the unfolding my own Life with all its mystery and uniqueness. Likes and dislikes are momentary, but the mystery of Life is constant and so exciting.

 A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps. Proverbs 16:9  This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16-17 
The music of the world is all-pervading, and it is composed of 40 different levels. Your destiny is the level where you play your tune. You might not change your instrument, but how well to play is entirely in your hands. Rule 29

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

Ramadan & Eid Cards4

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP

40 Days of Love – Day29

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 29

Destiny doesn’t mean that your life has been strictly predetermined. Therefore, to leave everything to fate and to not actively contribute to the music of the universe is a sign of sheer ignorance. The music of the world is all-pervading, and it is composed of 40 different levels. Your destiny is the level where you play your tune. You might not change your instrument, but how well to play is entirely in your hands.”


Today, we are releasing loneliness and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release

Random feelings of loneliness have washed over me while dancing to a favorite song in a crowded arena, sharing birthday cake with friends, or walking alone on a moonlit night. They are like waves crashing down in my consciousness, pulling my
attention to thoughts and feelings that I am unworthy, unloved, and unlovable.  Rev. Todd Humphrey

It seems to me that Rev Todd’s sharing is a universal feeling. Everyone feels lonely at times. However, that loneliness stems in a misguided idea or though based on feeling abandoned or misunderstood.

However, the truth is that we are never alone. The Divine walks with us every moment of our existence from birth to death. Each time we sense loneliness, we can choose to turn within and connect to God. 

“There is a loneliness more precious than life. There is a freedom more precious than the world. Infinitely more precious than life and the world is that moment when one is alone with God.”  Rumi

Today we affirm: I joyfully and fearlessly love with abandon.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Ramadan & Eid Cards3

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP

Contemplation Day28

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 28

The past is an interpretation. The future is on illusion. The World does not move through time as if it were a straight line, proceeding from the past to the future. Instead, time moves through and within us, in endless spirals. Eternity does not mean infinite time, but simply timelessness. If you want to experience eternal illumination, put the past and the future out of your mind and remain within the present moment.”


Today we affirm: I find lessons and blessings in whatever is happening.

What if we were fully committed to living from universal principles and walking our talk of practical spirituality? What if instead of fighting what is in front of us, we center ourselves in the Divine Presence and face the music?

Whatever we find in front of ourselves, we have manifested that. Taking responsibility for our experiences is probably the hardest lesson to learn. From childhood we are taught to be victims of our circumstances and with that we keep on generating those experiences until we stop and face the music. 

If you want to experience eternal illumination, put the past and the future out of your mind and remain within the present moment. Rule 28

It took me a long (looooooong) time to realize the difference between taking responsibility and being controlling. When I am controlling, I am not in the present and I don’t feel illuminated at all. I focus on what I want and put all my efforts in MAKING SURE that that’s what’s going to happen.

Taking responsibility is stepping back, meditating, allowing life to bring me the experiences that I inherently hold within myself because of the energies I hold in myself. When the experiences arrive, I look at them, deal with them, then go into meditation and release them so new (hopefully even nicer) experiences can come forth. 

This is what release and embrace is all about!

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day28

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 28

The past is an interpretation. The future is on illusion. The World does not move through time as if it were a straight line, proceeding from the past to the future. Instead, time moves through and within us, in endless spirals. Eternity does not mean infinite time, but simply timelessness. If you want to experience eternal illumination, put the past and the future out of your mind and remain within the present moment.”


Today, we are releasing discouragement and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release discouragement even in moments when life throws curve-balls at us. 

What if we were fully committed to living from universal principles and walking our talk of practical spirituality? What if instead of fighting what is in front of us, we center ourselves in the Divine Presence and face the music?

The key is surrender. What we can embrace, we can face. We rest in the assurance that wherever we find ourselves, the Divine is in there too. Instead of asking why, we can ask ‘what is in there for me?’ 

As we turn within, we are presented with the lesson with all its blessings.

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

Today we affirm: I find lessons and blessings in whatever is happening.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Ramadan & Eid Cards2

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP

Contemplation Day27

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 27

Whatever you speak, good or evil, will somehow come back to you. Therefore, if there is someone who harbors ill thoughts about you, saying similarly bad things about him will only make matters worse. You will be locked in a vicious circle of malevolent energy. Instead, for forty days and nights, say and think beautiful things about that person. Everything will be different at the end of 40 days because you will be different inside.”


Today we affirm: I first look for the good (God) in everyone and everything

Whatever you speak, good or evil, will somehow come back to you. Therefore, if there is someone who harbors ill thoughts about you, saying similarly bad things about him will only make matters worse. You will be locked in a vicious circle of malevolent energy. Instead, for forty days and nights, say and think beautiful things about that person. Everything will be different at the end of 40 days because you will be different inside. Rule27

Today, the rule speaks for itself (again). I can give you numerous examples of the above but I am sure you have your own example.

The one thing that come to mind to share is the importance of awareness or insight. Most often than not,  we do not even realize that we speak ‘evil’ because we live in the world of our Ego. And the Ego is often hurt by what others say or do. When that happens, the hurt Ego moves into ‘revenge’ mode and starts either gossiping about or blaming the ‘culprit’. But if we learn to stay present …

Have you seen the film? If you stay present, life appears in slow-motion mode and you can observe what you are doing and what others are doing. You are constantly aware of what is happening in you, with you and with others. In mid air, you can change the way you speak from ‘evil’ to ‘good’ by moving back into neutrality or the Loving. 


What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day27

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 27

Whatever you speak, good or evil, will somehow come back to you. Therefore, if there is someone who harbors ill thoughts about you, saying similarly bad things about him will only make matters worse. You will be locked in a vicious circle of malevolent energy. Instead, for forty days and nights, say and think beautiful things about that person. Everything will be different at the end of 40 days because you will be different inside.”


Today, we are releasing criticism and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release critical thoughts by recognizing the good that is right in front of us.

We must also remember that what we see in others is somewhat – no exactly – a reflection of what is occurring within ourselves. It is wise to investigate what triggers the criticism within ourselves before we offer ‘constructive criticism’ of another. Discover the negative residing within your own consciousness and then replace it with a loving attitude; both towards yourself and the other. 

Today we affirm: I first look for the good (God) in everyone and everything

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day26

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 26

The universe is one being. Everything and everyone is interconnected through an invisible web of stories. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all in a silent conversation. Do no harm — practice compassion. And do not gossip behind anyone’s back — not even a seemingly innocent remark! The words that come out of our mouths do not vanish but are perpetually stored in infinite space and they will come back to us in due time. One man’s pain will hurt us all. One man’s joy will make everyone smile.”


Today we affirm: I have faith in the power that is vested in me.


OMG! This rule is so wonderful and so, so difficult to follow! I keep on catching myself puffing and huffing about something or someone. Every time, I feel that I cannot resolve a situation or I cannot rebalance my relationship with someone, I find myself having this inner conversation with myself in which I fume about what happened or about the other person’s behaviour or words.

Unfortunately, my ‘unforgiving attitude’ and ‘faulty-party-seeking’ inner monologue adds to the ‘negativity’ that we all generate. In my observation, humanity is pretty good at ‘hating each other’ on an international scale. I am talking about critical mass here, not everyone. We focus mostly on what we do not like about the another person so to save face. I am just the same.

It takes me considerable effort to catch these automatic thoughts, erase them and generate ‘enough’ positive thoughts so to rebalance all the condemning thoughts I put out. 

The words that come out of our mouths do not vanish but are perpetually stored in infinite space and they will come back to us in due time. One man’s pain will hurt us all. One man’s joy will make everyone smile. Rule 26

That is why I love doing this 40-day journey. It reminds me daily to keep on letting go of what does not generate good or loving in the world and it keeps on guiding me back to present moment, to the Loving, to the Goodness, to be compassionate.


What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

Ramadan & Eid Cards1

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP

40 Days of Love – Day26

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 26

The universe is one being. Everything and everyone is interconnected through an invisible web of stories. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all in a silent conversation. Do no harm — practice compassion. And do not gossip behind anyone’s back — not even a seemingly innocent remark! The words that come out of our mouths do not vanish but are perpetually stored in infinite space and they will come back to us in due time. One man’s pain will hurt us all. One man’s joy will make everyone smile.”


Today, we are releasing FEAR and embracing FAITH. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release fear which is the ultimate iron door between us and God’s Loving Embrace.


Jesus Walks on the Water

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, 24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”  Matt 14:22-31 Source

In this parable, we learn about the difference between Love and Fear. Peter falls because he gets scared of the wind. Peter’s action represents a part of our consciousness who is like a fawn; it gets scared of the slightest of wind. At the beginning, as Peter gets out of the boat, he confidently walks on water. This deed represents a part of our consciousness – sometimes called the higher self – who is in constant connection with Spirit, who is in Faith and complete Trust with the Divine.

When we focus into fear – we watch the news that scares us or listen to others’ worries and moaning – we are prone to fall. As long as, we focus into the Loving, into the Divine Presence, we ‘can walk on water’: Life becomes like shimmering water and we can walk on it with ease-and-grace.

Today we affirm: I have faith in the power that is vested in me.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day25

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 25

Each reader comprehends the Holy Qur’an on a different level of tandem with the depth of his understanding. There are four levels of insight. The first level is the outer meaning, and it is the one that the majority of the people are content with. Next is the Batin — the inner level. Third, there is the innermost of the internal. And the fourth level is so deep it cannot be put into words and is, therefore, bound to remain indescribable.”


Today we affirm: I release worry and I guide my thoughts toward the good I wish to see made manifest.

Let go of your worries

Let go of your worries
and be completely clear-hearted,
like the face of a mirror
that contains no images.
If you want a clear mirror,
behold yourself
and see the shameless truth,
which the mirror reflects.
If metal can be polished
to a mirror-like finish,
what polishing might the mirror
of the heart require?
Between the mirror and the heart
is this single difference:
the heart conceals secrets,
while the mirror does not.

Today’s rule talks about different levels of understanding of our experiences and our entire universe both inside and out. 
I decided to contemplate on Rumi’s poem today and see if these four layers of ‘understanding’ are revealed to me.
since most of it is unspeakable, I will keep the awareness and insight to myself, this time.
I hope you had fun discovering the different layers of insight today.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day25

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 25

Each reader comprehends the Holy Qur’an on a different level of tandem with the depth of his understanding. There are four levels of insight. The first level is the outer meaning, and it is the one that the majority of the people are content with. Next is the Batin — the inner level. Third, there is the innermost of the internal. And the fourth level is so deep it cannot be put into words and is, therefore, bound to remain indescribable.”


Today, we are releasing worry and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release our worry-thoughts by realizing that we are using our power of imagination to envision the worst possible outcomes. We can make a different choice and use the power of our imagination to envision a story wit the best outcomes. 

We remember today, that any story about the future is fabricated by our own imagination. By letting go of worry we allow a an uplifting and brighter story to be made manifest.

And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? Luke 12:25

Today we affirm: I release worry and I guide my thoughts toward the good I wish to see made manifest

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Maha Shivaratri


Maha Shivtratri holds an immense religious and spiritual significance among Hindus. Maha shivratri is the one of the major festivals of Hindus celebrated across the country with great grandeur. This is one of the most significant festivals in Hindu religion.

‘The Great Night of Shiva’ is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honour of the deity Shiva. The festival commemorates the wedding of Shiva and Parvati, and the occasion that Shiva performs his divine dance, called the Tandava.

Maha Shivaratri is celebrated at night.

The celebration runs between Fri, Mar 8, 2024, 5:27 PM – Sat, Mar 9, 2024, 1:47 PM EST

This event is called Natyanjali, literally “worship through dance”. It also commemorates the start of spring. 

Now, a bit over half way through the Lenten season, and just a night before the start of Ramadan, Hindu’s offer us an amazing opportunity to celebrate ourselves with music and dancing.

As we can see with the Dervises who dance themselves into alignment with the Divine, we can take some time on the evening of March, 8 to listen to some uplifting music and dance. We can use the rhythm of the music to rock us into a state of trans or as the Hindu’s call it a state of awakening.

Remember to take the time to enjoy and celebrate yourself: celebrate that you have come so far on your journey of unfolding or just dance for the sake of the music. It does not matter, as long as you are doing it enthusiastically. 

What am I going to do? DANCE! 🙂

Contemplation Day24

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 24

Hell is in the here and now. So is heaven. Quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they are both presents inside this very moment. Every time we fall in Love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy, or fight someone, we tumble straight into the fires of hell.”


Today we affirm: I am centered in divine wisdom and my way is clear.

Clarity comes with being present in the moment and being aligned with with our higher nature and the Divine Presence.

Every time we fall in Love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy, or fight someone, we tumble straight into the fires of hell. Rule24

In my experience, I get confused, I lose my way when I am lost in different agendas; when I am angry or upset or overthinking something.
And when that happens I am in Hell. Confusion is the result of me focusing downwards into the pit hole of hell.
As soon as, however, I lift my head up, close my eyes, start watching my breath – mindfulness technique – I turn in and up, I align myself with my higher nature and the Divine. I enter a Loving place, Heaven, and I become clear and relaxed. I feel guided by universal wisdom and kindness.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day24

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 24

Hell is in the here and now. So is heaven. Quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they are both presents inside this very moment. Every time we fall in Love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy, or fight someone, we tumble straight into the fires of hell.”


Today, we are releasing indecision and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release indecision, a notion that makes us believe that our way may not be clear and we are lost  in the innumerable choices.

However, we have access to the wisdom of the ages within us. As we become still and focus into the Divine Presence, as we allow manic thoughts to settle and let go of our inner struggle, Divine Wisdom reveal the way forward and we are assured clarity.

Warning – the guidance we are revealed may not be what we expect it to be! As long as we attuned and we establish an inner awareness of the Divine guide within, we will be guided through the hurdles.

But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and
all these things will be given to you as well.—Matthew 6:33

Today we affirm: I am centered in divine wisdom and my way is clear.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Ramadan & Eid Cards

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God.

Ramadan is one of these traditions.



Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

As the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Ramadan holds a sacred place in the hearts of millions worldwide. Its significance transcends mere abstention from food and drink; it is a time of spiritual rejuvenation, self-discipline, and heartfelt connection with the Divine.  (source)

Significance of Ramadan

Ramadan holds paramount importance in Islam, marking the month when the Quran, the holy book of Islam, was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Beyond its historical roots, Ramadan serves as a period of intense introspection, purification, and renewal for Muslims. Fasting from dawn until sunset is the most recognizable aspect of Ramadan, but it encompasses much more.

It is a time for increased prayer, charity, and acts of kindness, encapsulating the core tenets of Islam.  (source)

The month of Ramadan is the month of abstinence, the month when one deprives oneself of food, among other things. But beyond fasting itself, this month is a good opportunity to question the “basis and the foundations” of Islamic spiritual practice. Above all, it is a time of solidarity and sharing. Islam is not a dogmatic religion. It is above all an interior step, a “vision of the heart” that allows man to return to the centre of himself. (Source)

This year Muslims observe Ramadan between the night of the 10th of March and the 7th of April. I have always wanted to observe the Ramadan without the fasting. This year, I decided to find alternative ways to observe Ramadan in a way that is truly respectful and beneficial to anyone who understand that all spiritual practices uplift our consciousness and supports us on our journey of unfolding in our Divinity.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connectedness to the Divine Presence. 

  1. Light a Candle every night before going to bed

Ramadan’s core traditions take place at nighttime. Once upon a time, before electricity, people used oil lanterns as their source of light to help them carry out Ramadan’s nighttime traditions.

2. Write Edi Cards every evening

Eid cards are a great way to celebrate the holiday. You can  use Eid cards to express gratitude to anything the day brought forth. 

3 Charity

Charity and giving are important aspects of Ramadan—and they can be something that your family does together. Your family can choose charities or activities where you can donate your money or your time. Whether you give money to a worthy cause that’s dear to your hearts, conduct a food drive, or volunteer with a local organization, it’s a great way to give more generously during the season.

Ramadan Eid Greeting Card

Eid Cards

Muslims send each other cards at festivals – the two main ones being Id-ul-Adha at the end of Hajj (the great pilgrimage), and Id-ul-Fitr at the end of Ramadan. These cards state the traditional greeting at this time – ‘Happy Festival’ (Eid Mubarak).

During a Blessed Celebration, Happy Eid greetings are exchanged; a traditional Muslim greeting is Eid Mubarak, which means “blessed celebration”.

The word “Eid” means feast or festival. Every year Muslims celebrate both Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Eid al-Fitr takes place at the end of Ramadan, and translates as “the festival of the breaking of the fast”. Like Ramadan, it starts with the first sighting of the new moon.

The Arabic word “mubarak” translates as “blessed,” while “Eid” means feast, festival or celebration, so “Eid Mubarak” can literally mean “blessed celebration” or “blessed feast”, although it is widely interpreted as simply wishing somebody a “happy Eid”.

What am I going to do?

Starting tomorrow, on the evening of the 10th of March, I will celebrate each day of Ramadan by lighting a lantern every evening and writing an Eid Mubarak Card stating what I am grateful for each day. I will create this card myself spending some time in silent contemplation while drawing a lantern that holds my prayer of gratitude. 

Find out more about how to celebrate Ramadan HERE (Click)

Contemplation Day23

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 23

The human being has a unique place among God’s creation. “I breathed into him of My Spirit,” God says. Each one of us without exception is designed to be God’s delegate on earth. Ask yourself, just how often do you behave like a delegate, if you ever do so? Remember, it falls upon each of us to discover the divine spirit inside and live by it.


Today we affirm: I am always one with Spirit, in darkness and in light

Each one of us without exception is designed to be God’s delegate on earth. … Remember, it falls upon each of us to discover the divine spirit inside and live by it. Rule 23

In my experience, darkness is a state of mind. Darkness is when I am lost in my petty errors, my anger, my frustration and blame other or God for the feeling of discomfort that comes with these experiences.

Yesterday, I had a great lesson in choosing to be in darkness or moving out into the light – shifting my consciousness from victimhood and blame to forgiveness and acceptance. 

It all started with me being with my father and my brother for not having checked my car, particularly the oil level in the engine. Then, I took off. While driving, I was still fuming with anger about my family’s behaviour, how unsupportive then are … and on … and on …

Luckily, I stopped 35 kilometers later to buy something to eat. The engine was smoking.  As I opened the hood, I realized that I had forgotten to put the cap back on the oil tank and now the oil had slashed all over the engine and the inside of the hood. I was so angry, I felt desperate, I felt let down, I was a victim.

I called my brother to tell me what to do who explained that all I needed to do was to clean off the oil, make sure that there is still enough oil in the engine. I spent an hour cleaning the engine and sending photos to my brother who eventually said that it looks clean enough so I can get back onto the road. About 30 minutes later, my mum called checking on me if I was OK, and the car was OK … 

As I was driving I heard Spirit asking me if I knew what was going on, if I were at all aware how I had generated this experience for myself, if I knew what the lessons was. As I was dismissing ‘Him’, ‘He’ turned serious and said: It must stop, now! Your must stop having expectations on people. You must stop having demands on people.  If you feel lost or alone, ask for support and wait until it arrives and do what you can in the meantime. It is time to accept people as they are, for what they can or cannot offer.

As I was moving out of my self-generated darkness, I remembered today’s rule, ‘everyone is God’s delegate on earth‘, everyone is ‘perfect’ as they are. ‘disrespecting differences and imposing your thoughts on others is tantamount to disrespecting God’s holy scheme.” Rule20 

It is all about respect …

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

Spirituality vs Religion

One of the main reason, I fell in love with Unity was that their main focus is on ‘organised’ spirituality’ without boundaries. Before arriving to Unity I experimented with different types of religious and spiritual movements but I found them either rigid and restrictive or disorganized and confusing to my taste.

I grew up without proper religious education because of the socialistic regime in Hungary at the time. Religious education was discouraged. The elders in my family who belong do different religious groups – Roman Catholic Faith and Lutheran Faith – though both Cristian, had very different messages to convey. My great-aunt was a bigot Catholic who told me about a righteous and vengeful God who does not like badly behaving children; a God to fear. My dear grandma told me about a God who deserted her in her our of need but she never ceased to beg for His forgiveness. 

Everyone with strong religious beliefs told me about a God of Love and Compassion but both approaches to God seemed senseless to me. Why would an unconditionally loving God hate children who are naughty and why would a compassionate God punish someone in her our of need? 

In Unity Europe we celebrate any and all ‘religious’ and spiritually inclined holidays/celebrations because we believe that all path to God//the Divine Presence is valid. Spiritual teachers who offered various tools and practices enabling the seekers to gain a deeper experience of the Divine is worth celebrating.

Therefore, I do my best, to remember and celebrate in small ways, of the different traditions and tools to God. If you join our Facebook Group or Instagram Page you will see how we honour all paths to Oneness with the Divine. 

Unity offers practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.

40 Days of Love – Day23

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 23

The human being has a unique place among God’s creation. “I breathed into him of My Spirit,” God says. Each one of us without exception is designed to be God’s delegate on earth. Ask yourself, just how often do you behave like a delegate, if you ever do so? Remember, it falls upon each of us to discover the divine spirit inside and live by it.”


Today, we are releasing darkness and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release the fear of darkness. In the world of duality, darkness has a distinct purpose. As we let go of the fear and trust the one power, Spirit, we can realise that there is no difference between dark and light, it is simply two sides of the same coin. Darkness is an essential part of life during which we recuperate, gather strength and transform. Similar to a caterpillar as it transforms into a butterfly.

Today we affirm: I am always one with Spirit,
in darkness and in light

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day22

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 22

“Life is a temporary loan, and this World is nothing but a sketchy imitation of Reality. Only children would mistake a toy for the real thing. And yet human beings either become infatuated with the toy or disrespectfully break it and throw it aside. In this life, stay away from all kinds of extremities, for they will destroy your inner balance. Sufis do not go to extremes. A Sufi always remains mild and moderate.”


Today we affirm: I give myself grace with my mistakes,
and I make progress.

The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection. Michelangelo

In this life, stay away from all kinds of extremities, for they will destroy your inner balance. Sufis do not go to extremes. A Sufi always remains mild and moderate. Rule 22

Just perfect! 🙂 Perfection is an extremity that cannot be achieved in the physical. There is only one perfection which is Divine Perfection.

There were times, often in the past, when attempted to perfect everything by controlling how others approached a task or by judging and condemning myself. Perfection or in my case, an attempt to do things the ‘right way’ caused so much anxiety that I was literally running on adrenalin, driving everyone crazy. 

Living in Divine Perfection means – to me – that I attempt to get out of the way 🙂 and allow the flow of Life to guide me, showing me what I need to do and what I shouldn’t do. 

Michelangelo is often quoted to say that he created David by chipping away all that was not David. This is how, in my understanding, Divine Perfection works: I simply do what is mine to do and allow the rest to emerge. Easier said than done, but I am working on it! 🙂

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day22

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 22

“Life is a temporary loan, and this World is nothing but a sketchy imitation of Reality. Only children would mistake a toy for the real thing. And yet human beings either become infatuated with the toy or disrespectfully break it and throw it aside. In this life, stay away from all kinds of extremities, for they will destroy your inner balance. Sufis do not go to extremes. A Sufi always remains mild and moderate.”


Today, we are releasing perfection and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release perfectionism that can prevent us from even starting on our goals because we are afraid that we will fail.

What we are after is progression, not perfection. As we start and make mistake we remind ourselves that we are simply progressing!

A sweet thought to remember: ‘I may not be perfect, but surely, I am complete!’

The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection. Michelangelo

Today we affirm:  I give myself grace with my mistakes,
and I make progress.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day21

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 21

When a true lover of God goes into a tavern, the tavern becomes his chamber of prayer, but when a winebibber goes into the same chamber, it becomes his tavern. In everything we do, it is our hearts that make the difference, not our outer appearance. Sufis do not judge other people on how they look or who they are. When a Sufi stares at someone, he keeps both eyes closed, instead opens a third eye — the eye that sees the inner realm.”


Today we affirm: I am God’s beloved (I am one with the Divine Presence) and
powerful beyond measure.

When a true lover of God goes into a tavern, the tavern becomes his chamber of prayer, but when a winebibber goes into the same chamber, it becomes his tavern. … In everything we do, it is our hearts that make the difference, not our outer appearance. Rule 21

Our beliefs that we have observed through the day determine what kind of tavern we find ourselves in. 

Today, I spent time in observing my outdated beliefs. Every time I return to the land where I was born, I find myself in a tavern that is filled with a sense of threat, a feeling of gloom, anger, desperation, seasoned with a bout of self-sacrifice.  I cannot see anything uplifting, not because it does not exist but because this is how I am conditioned. 

I am prone to see ‘what does not work’ because this way I am prepared for the worst. It is some kind of valve or safety-measure inside of me: “just to be on the safe side’.  The belief that this place is unsafe and doomed is an outdated belief. Not only that, is is probably time to see things through the eye of the Lover; in my case, either though the lens of joyous excitement or through the lens of compassion.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day21

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 21

When a true lover of God goes into a tavern, the tavern becomes his chamber of prayer, but when a winebibber goes into the same chamber, it becomes his tavern. In everything we do, it is our hearts that make the difference, not our outer appearance. Sufis do not judge other people on how they look or who they are. When a Sufi stares at someone, he keeps both eyes closed, instead opens a third eye — the eye that sees the inner realm.”


Today, we are releasing outdated beliefs and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release outdated belief by accessing if the beliefs we hold were created in fear or in Love. 

The Lenten season is the perfect opportunity to breathe, reassess, pray, and let go of things that no longer serve. It’s a time to turn within and discern how the presence and power of God can express through us.

Today we can choose to put our faith in someone’s erroneous opinions or in our divinity.

Consider this Lenten False Belief Detox Program:
• Negative self-talk: If your self-talk makes you feel bad, deny
it, bless it, and release it.
• Media programs that instill fear: Ask the question, Is this of
Spirit? If not, change the channel.
• People: Do they uplift or tear down? Make a conscious
choice with whom to spend time.

These weeks before Easter are an energetic call to let go of any ideas that tell us we are less than Goodness.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. –  Buddha

Today we affirm: I am God’s beloved (I am one with the Divine Presence) and
powerful beyond measure.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day20

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 20

We were all created in His image, and yet we were each created different and unique. No two people are alike. No hearts beat to the same rhythm. If God had wanted everyone to be the same, He would have made it so. Therefore, disrespecting differences and imposing your thoughts on others is tantamount to disrespecting God’s holy scheme.”


Today we affirm: I release my preconceived beliefs to seek clarity and compassion.

Therefore, disrespecting differences and imposing your thoughts on others is tantamount to disrespecting God’s holy scheme. Rule 20

As I was contemplating the Rule20 and today’s Lent reading I realized that …

One of the greatest misunderstanding that I have witnessed within myself and others is the assumption that we think alike. We don’t. We are all uniquely geared and therefore has an individualistic view on everything that Life comprises. 

Assuming that ‘we understand each other’ is a mistake that often leads to hurt feelings and broken relationships.

When I was younger, I was convinced that it was my job to change people’s minds because they did not understand me. It took me quite a bit of soul-searching to accept and respect others’ views. Nobody knows it all. Learning to ask questions and actively listen to others is a gift in disguise. People have such amazing stories to tell. There is so much to learn from every conversation, as long as we are open to listen. 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click


Spiritual teachers such as Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Rumi, Lao Tzu, Mohammad, etc., represent a level of consciousness that we can attain by following their teaching. However, the teachings are only words. So in order to generate real change in our consciousness we must embrace the teaching by demonstrating them in our physical reality.

40 Days of Love – Day20

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 20

We were all created in His image, and yet we were each created different and unique. No two people are alike. No hearts beat to the same rhythm. If God had wanted everyone to be the same, He would have made it so. Therefore, disrespecting differences and imposing your thoughts on others is tantamount to disrespecting God’s holy scheme.”


Today, we are releasing misunderstanding and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release misunderstanding that is often caused by childhood programing of what is right and what is wrong or what is favourable and what isn’t. This programming puts on a path of assumptions where no questions are asked. When we base our judgements of a situation or a person entirely on assumptions, we can end up with a lot of misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and confusion.

“If we could release our preconceived thoughts about situations, how much more love and compassion could flow freely into our lives?”

Today, we can stop before assuming and ask for clarification. Instead of confusion, we can increase our awareness and open our hearts to understanding.

If people misunderstand you, do not worry…it is your voice that they hear, but what goes through their mind is…their own thoughts. Rumi

Today we affirm:  I release my preconceived beliefs to seek clarity and compassion.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day19

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 19

Fret not where the road will take you. Instead concentrate on the first step. That is the hardest part and that is what you are responsible for. Once you take that step let everything do what it naturally does and the rest will follow. Don’t go with the flow. Be the flow.“* 


Today we affirm: I release worry and control. I embrace trust and the knowing that all is well.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, … John 14:1

Today’s rule reminds us : “Once you take that step let everything do what it naturally does and the rest will follow. Don’t go with the flow. Be the flow.” 

I find it amazing how apt the Lent reading and the daily Rules are. <3 I think it is the hardest lessons of Life, trusting Life, that there is a greater plan than mine. Partly because of the chaos I grew up in, partly because of the lies of the regime, I became a major controller. I did not only control my life – or tried anyway – but that of others too. 

For the longest time, I believed that I was proactive, focused, resilient, and accountable, all the good stuff that coaching and personal development seminars/courses inspire you to do. I did not, however, notice that I was often going against the Flow of Life. My way or the high way, so to speak.  Later, I noticed, that  it was when I ran into a lot of issues. That’s when I thought that problems are there to be tackled. Until, I got really tired of fighting Life. I know better now! 🙂

Fighting life is the ultimate control of my will. 

According to a spiritual teaching in order to find true contentment, one must learn to enter the Flow of Life by releasing control. It is not the same as becoming a victim of circumstances. It is simply allowing Life to guide me to places where I can fulfill my nature and gain the most valuable experiences. I still have free-will that I can exercise: my attitude, the speed of my ‘flow’ are amongst the elements of my free will.

Honestly, it is still hard for me to ‘flow’ with Life. I am still learning to humble myself at the greatness and magnificence of the Divine Presence, that is the Flow itself. My  learning is respect: respecting Life, respecting myself, respecting others just as we all are.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day19

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 19

Fret not where the road will take you. Instead concentrate on the first step. That is the hardest part and that is what you are responsible for. Once you take that step let everything do what it naturally does and the rest will follow. Don’t go with the flow. Be the flow.“* 


Today, we are releasing worry and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release worry

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:25-27+34)

The key to letting go of worry, he taught, is to trust.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, … John 14:1

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give
to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled,
and do not let them be afraid” John 14:27

According to scripture, Jesus said these things just before he rode to Jerusalem where he was arrested at Gethsemane. We can look at this story and Jesus’ message as a call to learn to TRUST in the goodness of Life and the Divine presence. Jesus did not worry because he had total faith in God and his Life. He did not want to avoid being captured and crucified. He trusted God that his demise will be the ultimate message of trust, faith and Loving forgiveness. 

Faith and trust is giving up control over the outcome. This concept often seems alien to most people because we are often so scared of life’s mishaps that we feel that we must control as much of our environment as we can master.  But control is the opposite of trust and faith. Our personal will is blind and fear based. Trust and faith is Loved based, it is the knowing that whatever happens it is all OK, I am safe, I am held, I am Loved. No matter what. 

Today we affirm: I release worry and control. I embrace trust and the knowing that all is well.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day18

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 18

If you want to change the way others treat you, you should first change the way you treat yourself. Unless you learn to love yourself, fully and sincerely, there is no way you can be loved. Once you achieve that stage, however, be thankful for every thorn that others might throw at you. It is a sign that you will soon be showered in roses.“* 


Today I remember that  My authentic identity is love itself

With age showing up as little pains in the body, I can relate more to the fear of illnesses. I am also someone who is energetic, I consider myself physically strong and capable.  So, as soon as I get tired sooner than expected or I notice that it takes longer to bounce back form an illness, I find myself being worried.

Today’s affirmation reminded me that often my physical challenges are psychosomatic or reminders of something that is out of alignment within myself. So, by reminding myself that my true nature is Love and Health, so I need to find the reason behind my not feeling well or feeling tired or having an illness.

The above ties in nicely with today’s Rule which says “you should first change the way you treat yourself.” I notice that by taking better care of myself, noticing my being’s needs, taking the time and effort to rest and dwell in the Loving embrace of the Divine in meditation, and prioritising my life that way,  mean that I treat myself more lovingly. It is time to watch how I treat myself more closely!

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day18

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 18

If you want to change the way others treat you, you should first change the way you treat yourself. Unless you learn to love yourself, fully and sincerely, there is no way you can be loved. Once you achieve that stage, however, be thankful for every thorn that others might throw at you. It is a sign that you will soon be showered in roses.“* 


Today, we are releasing fear of illness and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release fear of illness and know that life brings forward challenges that we can face knowing that we are never alone in the time of trials.

” Rather than becoming self-absorbed through fear of illness, choose to let go and be absorbed by the self, the infinite love that indwells you. You have a body; however, you are not your body.”

As we focus pray-fully into Oneness, we can release all our concerns and fears into the Source of All. In return, we receive peace and reassurance that all is well, and all is handled  with Grace.

Today I remember: My authentic identity is love itself

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day17

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 17

The whole universe is contained within a single human being — you. Everything that you see around, including the things that you might not be fond of and even the people you despise or abhor, is present within you in varying degrees. Therefore, do not look for Sheitan [“Devil” in Arabic] outside yourself, either. The devil is not an extraordinary force that attacks from without. It is an ordinary voice within, if you set to know yourself fully, facing with honesty and hardness.“* 


Today’s affirmation:  I am present to each task of the day,
knowing everything is a choice.

Therefore, do not look for Sheitan [“Devil” in Arabic] outside yourself, either. The devil is not an extraordinary force that attacks from without. It is an ordinary voice within, if you set to know yourself fully, facing with honesty and hardness. Rule 17

It has been hard for me to see this Truth for a long time. I grew up in a  culture where people firmly believe that all their troubles are generated by others and they are simply victims of their devilish wrongdoing.  So, I believed, too. 

It is just easier to see others as culprits than looking within and finding the dealignment and the blockages that we ourselves generate by our thinking and emotions. Have you heard the expression: “Change your mind, change your life?”

As I started to surrender to the idea that it is me who is creating my reality, I also got the opportunity to see what these blocks were. I started to notice beliefs that I picked up in my childhood that made me feel like a victim or that I had no choice.

Facing my personal little devils have not been easy, sometimes even painful, but at the end of the day, freedom is a choice – my choice.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day17

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 17

The whole universe is contained within a single human being — you. Everything that you see around, including the things that you might not be fond of and even the people you despise or abhor, is present within you in varying degrees. Therefore, do not look for Sheitan [“Devil” in Arabic] outside yourself, either. The devil is not an extraordinary force that attacks from without. It is an ordinary voice within, if you set to know yourself fully, facing with honesty and hardness.“* 


Today, we are releasing busyness and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release busyness and start facing life’s questions. ” Action addiction is an advanced sort of laziness. It keeps us busily occupied with tasks. The busier we keep ourselves, the more we avoid being confronted with questions of life and death. As we keep ourselves occupied with tasks, important or not, we avoid facing life. We keep a safe and comfortable distance to the issues that are sometimes hard to look at. 

… I realized clearly that busyness is a choice. We may have deadlines, projects, and activities, but we have the freedom to choose whether we become action addicts or just observe the experience of many activities. It’s a choice. And the ability to make that choice comes from developing a clear mind, free of action addiction.”  (source)

From a Buddhist perspective, Your inner life is where you cultivate happiness. Busyness takes us away from cultivating inner life.

Today, I remember that with every inhale, peace flows through me. I have nowhere to go. I have the time and the confidence to accomplish what is mine to do.

“The best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh

Today we affirm: I am present to each task of the day,
knowing everything is a choice.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day16

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 16

Real filth is the one inside. The rest simply washes off. There is only one type of dirt that cannot be cleansed with pure waters, and that is the stain of hatred and bigotry contaminating the soul. You can purify your body through abstinence and fasting, but only love will purify your heart.”* 


Today’s affirmation: I bless that which is behind me and praise
God for all that is beside me and before me.

When I let go of ‘what I am’, I become what I might be. Lao Tzu

You can purify your body through abstinence and fasting, but only love will purify your heart. Rule 16

As I was contemplating on Rule No16 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

‘What I am’ is a part of me that I created in response to the toxic environment I grew up in. I appreciate this part of me because It help me survive. It is a strong, capable and forceful part of me who tackles challenges, stands strong and decisive.

However, I recently learnt that one of the crucial element of attaining Oneness is Surrender: surrendering the ‘protector’ (the Ego) by letting go of the past, the very reasons why this part of me was originally created. By doing that I purify me being; I allow my Soul to take command and to become what I might be. But above all I allow the Divine to now turn my Life towards more uplifting and Love-centered experiences.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day16

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 16

Real filth is the one inside. The rest simply washes off. There is only one type of dirt that cannot be cleansed with pure waters, and that is the stain of hatred and bigotry contaminating the soul. You can purify your body through abstinence and fasting, but only love will purify your heart.”* 


Today, we are releasing the past and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release the past.

We can cherish joyful memories but we must know that the past can hold us prisoner in often painful events that has long been gone. Rev Walker Douglas asks us:

Who would I be if I made the conscious choice to let go of thoughts, feelings, and memories of yesterday that no longer serve my highest good?

NOW is the time to accept the invitation to release the past and embrace the abundant future that lies ahead.

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. Lao Tzu

Today we affirm: I bless that which is behind me and praise
God for all that is beside me and before me.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day15

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 15

It’s easy to love a perfect God, unblemished and infallible that He is. What is far more difficult is to love fellow human beings with all their imperfections and defects. Remember, one can only know what one is capable of loving. There is no wisdom without love. Unless we learn to love God’s creation, we can neither truly love nor truly know God.“* 


Today’s affirmation: I am not the person I was conditioned to be.
I live in the wild abandon of Spirit.

As I was contemplating on Rule No15 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

Most of my life I looked at overwhelm as a result of other’s ‘behaving irresponsibly’ . I did not realize that I had been conditioned to become a carer. This conditioning and the underlying beliefs would attract ‘cases’ where my caring nature were required. Eventually, I resented the people whom I found ‘weak’ and in need of my support.

Through the rocky journey of self-discovery and spiritual unfoldment, I realized that nobody is at fault here. It is my responsibility to release and let of old beliefs that do not work for me. 

I am open to see God’s creation in everything and everyone now. 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day15

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 15

It’s easy to love a perfect God, unblemished and infallible that He is. What is far more difficult is to love fellow human beings with all their imperfections and defects. Remember, one can only know what one is capable of loving. There is no wisdom without love. Unless we learn to love God’s creation, we can neither truly love nor truly know God.“* 


Today, we are releasing overwhelm and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release the expectations and demands our fast-paced world places on us.

” Whether we realise it or not, most of us create an identity and self value that is tied t working and doing. This creates the sense that there is never enough time, so we sacrifice rest and self-care to do more, be more, and get more. As a result, we may become sick, tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed. We create a disconnect from our authentic selves” . Rev Christina Garza

We liberate ourselves from pressure, perfectionism, paralysis and pain by turning our eyes to God within. Our spiritual inheritance is to be happy and free. As we release our faulty beliefs about our self-worth, we will attract what brings us joy.

Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Today we affirm: I am not the person I was conditioned to be.
I live in the wild abandon of Spirit.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)


I often notice how many more likes a post of a quote or a nice photo gets compared to a well written personal account of overcoming challenges, or sharing a personal experience of an event.

We seem to feel uncomfortable  with becoming personal.

Wise words of a guru may inspire you but it will not change your life. What will though is that you consciously walk your own journey and share it with others. Not the fancy stuff, not the pretences or the photos of lovely places – they are nice to look at them surely – but the insight you have gained by walking this specific journey, having seen that scenery, reading that book, meeting that friend for a coffee.

What have you learnt about yourself and the world around you as a result of that particular experience?

What have you become aware of that could maybe be let go of?

What magnificent newness have you realized about yourself?

Let’s get real! Let’s get deep!

Contemplation Day14

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 14

God is busy with the completion of your work, both outwardly and inwardly. He is fully occupied with you. Every human being is a work in progress that is slowly but inexorably moving toward realization. We are each an unfinished work of art both waiting and striving to be completed. God deals with each of us separately because humanity is a fine art of skilled penmanship where every single dot is equally important for the entire picture.“*


Today’s affirmation: I reclaim my inner peace.

As I was contemplating on Rule No14 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

I am not someone who holds grudges. At the same time, when I feel that a relationship holds more anguish that happiness, I let them go. When a relationship does not support me in becoming a better version of myself, I do not want that relationship any more. Not because the other person is at fault in any way,  because of my own inner peace.

I keep on reminding myself that every time I feel resentment surfacing towards someone who I perceived had done me wrong, I just let it go. I do not engage any more in the thought or the painful feelings because it does not change the past.

I may think that the other person’s behaviour or words were mean, unkind or even abusive, the fact is that I cannot change someone else’s mind. If they believe that their beliefs and actions are correct, it is not for me to judge them.

I have one choice to make in a situation like that is to love myself enough to say good-bye.

Every human being is a work in progress that is slowly but inexorably moving toward realization. We are each an unfinished work of art both waiting and striving to be completed.

Today’s rule fits beautifully with allowing myself and others to move in our own pace even if it means that we must walk separate roads.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 days of Love, an Invitation

The world simply reflects our collective consciousness, our fears, our pains, our anger … whatever attitude we collectively – the critical mass – hold.

I look at the world, the turmoil, the wars, the bloodshed and I am saddened with the knowing that this all could be prevented if we just spent a little more time healing our own wounds instead of taking it out on others.

Walking this inner journey, that we often dread, is a great opportunity to release all those beliefs, patterns of thoughts and behaviours that do not serve us any more. As long as we can see them – be aware of them – we can consciously say good-bye to them. Until we suppress or hide them, they keep on popping up ruining our day, month, year … life. As we let go, we become freer, kinder, more accepting, happier … with our lives and others.

40-days of Love, Release and Embrace can be a great opportunity for you to turn gently within, discover the little gremlins and let them go.

Walk this 40-day journey with me and see if you can make some changes in your life – and that of others – by releasing what does not work and embracing what does.

Join me in our Facebook Group (CLICK)

Between the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024

All the Posts (CLICK)

40 Days of Love – Day14

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 14

God is busy with the completion of your work, both outwardly and inwardly. He is fully occupied with you. Every human being is a work in progress that is slowly but inexorably moving toward realization. We are each an unfinished work of art both waiting and striving to be completed. God deals with each of us separately because humanity is a fine art of skilled penmanship where every single dot is equally important for the entire picture.“*


Today, we are releasing grudges and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release hurt feelings created by others actions or words. We can look at grudges as heavy chains that bind us to the past and prevents us from living joyfully in the present. 

As we dissolve any bitterness or resentment we become freer. With each grudge we release, we make space for love, empathy, and understanding to come into our life in amazing ways. 

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another … Ephesians 4:32

Today we affirm: I reclaim my inner peace.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Sacred Ground

I love churches. They say that all of them was built on holy ground. There must be something about that because every time I am in a church, temple, synagogue, or any other building filled with Spirit, I feel touched and in a way blessed.
I do not believe that churches of any kind are ‘homes’ where God resides. The only temple where the Divine resides in the physical is ‘physical bodies’ of different living beings. The Spirit of God dwells in us all whether we are aware of it or not.
Nevertheless, spiritual centres regardless of the way they are called give us a place where we can turn within, meditate and turn our attention back to God.

Contemplation Day13

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 13

“Try not to resist the changes, which come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”*


Today’s affirmation: I am one with the good in every needed form; satisfaction is mine.

As I was contemplating on Rule No13 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

I spent most of my adult life being dissatisfied. Somehow, I could never meet my own expectations that I suppose is what was expected of me as a child. It can be difficult to release dissatisfaction when we don’t know that we are dissatisfied. I was always expected to ‘do better’.

Today, what caught my attention was the Gibran quote:

To be able to look back upon ones life in satisfaction, is to live twice. Khalil Gibran

What could he mean? I cannot know for sure. I guess, Gibran reminds me to see the silver-lining and realize my unfoldment in Spirit as I look back upon my life. One ‘living’ is the actual happenings of our life. The second ‘living’ is the events in the underlying current of Spirit and our unfoldment on our Soul-journey.

Because I was always expected to do well, how I did was never enough for me. It resulted in a sense of ‘I have not achieved anything in my life’. Today, I am releasing the ‘dis’ from dissatisfaction with a sense of glee. As a result, I am allowed to stand free from the impossible expectations and I can see more clearly the path I have walked and the person I have become. I am proud of myself.  <3 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day13

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 13

“Try not to resist the changes, which come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”*


Today, we are releasing dissatisfaction and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release dissatisfaction and remember that satisfaction lies in consciousness. 

“The secret to letting go of dissatisfaction is in the word itself. The prefix dis– is understood to mean the opposite of or not. From the Latin dis means apart. In Truth, we are never apart from the soul-satisfying spirit of God. We are always one with God, and letting go of the dis leaves us with satisfaction. 🙂

When we are one with the spirit of God, we are strengthened and renewed, and our satisfaction is permanent.” Rev. Ric Schumacher

To be able to look back upon ones life in satisfaction, is to live twice. Khalil Gibran

I will satisfy the weary, and all who are faint I will replenish. Jeremiah 31:25

Today we affirm: I am one with the good in every needed form; satisfaction is mine.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Ali in Battle

Learn from Ali how to fight
without your ego participating.

God’s Lion did nothing
that didn’t originate
from his deep center.

Once in battle he got the best of a certain knight
and quickly drew his sword. The man,
helpless on the ground, spat
in Ali’s face. Ali dropped his sword,
relaxed, and helped the man to his feet.

“Why have you spared me?
How has lightning contracted back
into its cloud? Speak, my prince,
so that my soul can begin to stir
in me like an embryo.”

Ali was quiet and then finally answered,
“I am God’s Lion, not the lion of passion.
The sun is my lord. I have no longing
except for the One

When a wind of personal reaction comes,
I do not go along with it.

There are many winds full of anger,
and lust and greed. They move the rubbish
around, but the solid mountain of our true nature
stays where it’s always been.

There’s nothing now
except the divine qualities.
Come through the opening into me.

Your impudence was better than any reverence,
because in this moment I am you and you are me.

I give you this opened heart as God gives gifts:
the poison of your spit has become
the honey of friendship.”

Source: coleman-barks-the-essential-rumi

Contemplation Day12

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 12

There are more fake gurus and false teachers in this world than the number of stars in the visible universe. Don’t confuse power-driven, self-centered people with true mentors. A genuine spiritual master will not direct your attention to himself or herself and will not expect absolute obedience or utter admiration from you, but instead will help you to appreciate and admire your inner self. True mentors are as transparent as glass. They let the light of God pass through them.“*


Today’s affirmation: I embrace myself and I approve of myself just as I am.

As I was contemplating on Rule No12 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

I never thought of myself as a people pleaser. I never felt that I was looking for others’ approval. And still, I find myself struggling with being authentic and sincere.

I find myself being afraid of doing things the way I prefer them, or simply showing who I am. When I was a child I was always in trouble. I was often scolded for being too loud, too funny, too capable, and too strong; I was called overwhelming, stubborn or difficult, and not submissive enough.  Looking back now, it was because we lived in a world of ‘thick grey’ where we were to melt into the great ‘mess of equality’. In that, standing out in any way often meant punishment, victimization and discrimination.  So, I learnt to be scared of who I was and tried to suppress elements of my personality that was considered ‘not ok’. With that, I ended up being a neurotic chameleon.

I still notice that, when I am in a new situation, I feel the pressure to conform. I quickly assess the situation and hide those parts of myself that would probably raise eyebrows. Because I have been working on healing myself from past wounds, I am now aware when the process starts. I can now stop it by embracing myself and loving those parts of  me that was shunned when I was young. I have done healing work by doing forgiveness towards myself and those who suggested I wasn’t good the way I was.

Why is this so particularly important to me?

It is because “True mentors are as transparent as glass. They let the light of God pass through them” the Rule reminds me today. I will not be able to pastor anyone – including myself – until I can stand in my Truth authentically, giving myself fully and as a result letting ‘God’s light pass through me’; without which there is no pastoring at all. I am no Guru. I hope to become a person who is ‘pure enough’ that God can use me to serve others. 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day12

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 12

There are more fake gurus and false teachers in this world than the number of stars in the visible universe. Don’t confuse power-driven, self-centered people with true mentors. A genuine spiritual master will not direct your attention to himself or herself and will not expect absolute obedience or utter admiration from you, but instead will help you to appreciate and admire your inner self. True mentors are as transparent as glass. They let the light of God pass through them.“* 


Today, we are releasing approval and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release seeking approval from others and embrace courage to be who we truly are in our essence.

Most spiritual teachers embody freedom from conventional good behaviour. Jesus threw tables in the temple to make a point. Similar to Jesus, Shams de Tabrizi, Rumi’s less famous teacher, was infamous for being vocal about his opinions, stood up for the wronged, and was also killed by those who did not understand him. Guru Nanak, faced many challenges on the road of creating a new mystical tradition called Sikhism. 

When we please others we betray ourselves by making others’ happiness more important than our own. Seeking approval from others shows lack of faith in ourselves and in God’s indwelling Spirit. In fear of loneliness and helplessness, we look for allies in others often at the cost of our own integrity.

Today, as we release the limitation of approval and the underlying fear, we turn within and recognize our uniqueness and oneness with the Divine Presence. The more we embrace ourselves, the less lonely we feel, and the more we can trust our inner guiding Light.

A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.
Mark Twain

Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives.
Louise Hay

Shut your eyes so the heart may become your eye, and with that vision look upon another world. If you can step away from your need for self-approval, all that you do, top to bottom, will be approved.

Today we affirm: :I embrace myself and I approve of myself just as I am.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day11

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 11

The midwife knows that when there is no pain, the way for the baby cannot be opened and the mother cannot give birth. Likewise, for a new self to be born, hardship is necessary. Just as clay needs to go through intense heat to become strong, Love can only be perfected in pain.”* 


Today’s affirmation: Trust the Divine Spark in me to show me the blessings.

In my view, every difficult situation or problem can be viewed as an opportunity to try something different or learn something. When we find ourselves in a time of despaired we can chose to reflect to see what the opportunity may be. What if by giving up pessimism we can see God in action? What if at the moment when our mind is cleared of fear and negativity, a new possibility shows up?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely
on your own insight.—Proverbs 3:5

As I was contemplating on Rule No11 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

My life has had many curveballs and I have chosen pessimism as a way forward from an early age on. I had learn that I attracted ‘disasters’ and that would make my life difficult. I lived by this belief for a long time, until I realised that this belief did not serve me at all.

But how to change this belief? Beliefs can only change by different experiences that I was not able to generate for myself. So, upon suggestion, I started to look at the silver-linings of every disastrous situation and expressed my gratitude for them. Soon I realised that most of these difficult experiences were nothing but great opportunities to reflect on my choices, beliefs. The Divine in His Loving kindness was guiding my through these difficult experiences by providing my with insight so I could make the necessary changes. 

It is true that when we are going through challenges it is hard to see the underlining goodness in them but when they are over, we can use them for our upliftment and growth.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day11

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 11

The midwife knows that when there is no pain, the way for the baby cannot be opened and the mother cannot give birth. Likewise, for a new self to be born, hardship is necessary. Just as clay needs to go through intense heat to become strong, Love can only be perfected in pain.”* 


Today, we are releasing pessimism and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release pessimism.

Life throws us curveballs something, things that is beyond our control and so we feel powerless. When this happens, it is hard to imagine positive outcomes. 

In my view, every difficult situation or problem can be viewed as an opportunity to try something different or learn something. When we find ourselves in a time of despaired we can chose to reflect to see what the opportunity may be. What if by giving up pessimism we can see God in action? What if at the moment when our mind is cleared of fear and negativity, a now possibility shows up?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely
on your own insight.—Proverbs 3:5

Today we affirm: : Trust the Divine Spark in me to show me the blessings.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Spiritual Communion

Unity Sunday Gathering at Unity UK

on 17th March Sunday,2024
“A Spiritual Communion”
From 3pm UK time

Led by Rev Ildiko Kudlik


In preparation for Easter, our licensed Unity minister, Rev Ildiko Kudlik, will share a spiritual communion, inviting us to go deeper into our relationship with the Divine within, so that the Easter experience of the risen “Christ” can be known as our awakening consciousness experience. It will be a time of prayer, reflection and meditation.

Pls find the ZOOM link HERE CLICK

Contemplation Day10

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 10

The quest for love changes us. There is no seeker among those who search for love who has not matured on the way. The moment you start looking for love, you start to change within and without.“* 


Today’s affirmation: I am centered in what is, the absolute
goodness that is mine right now.

As I was contemplating on Rule No10 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

In this short personal video I talk about my journey into Love with particular focus on the beginning of my spiritual journey, finding my way back to my spiritual essence, that I call Love. 💜💫💖



What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day10

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 10

The quest for love changes us. There is no seeker among those who search for love who has not matured on the way. The moment you start looking for love, you start to change within and without.“* 


Today, we are releasing anxiety and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release anxiety. Anxiety comes from not trusting Life, not trusting ourselves, and not trusting the Goodness of God. We are anxious when we feel out of control. 

Instead, whenever we feel anxious we can catch the worrisome thoughts and remind ourselves the true nature of Life: Goodness. The Divine Presence is constant, always available and always accessible to each of us. As we withdraw our attention from worrisome thoughts and focus into God’s Love for us, we start to move into a more relaxed state.

When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. Psalm 94:19

Today we affirm: : I am centered in what is, the absolute
goodness that is mine right now.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day9

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 9

East, west, south, or north makes little difference. No matter what your destination, just be sure to make every journey, a journey within. If you travel within, you’ll visit the whole full World and beyond.”* 


Today’s affirmation:  I choose to release self-pity and embrace forgiveness.

As I was contemplating on Rule No9 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

For a long time, I looked at my life as a ‘punishment’  for something ‘I must have done wrong’. Throughout my life I have accoutered many challenges and difficulties. I left my home country as a youngster, moved to different countries, struggled with getting proper work and being able to sustain myself. After my grandmother’s passing I received little support from my family and I needed to rely on friends’ kindness. 

I lived with self-pity for decades. I believed that there was something wrong with me that’s why I had to endure so many hurdles in my life.

Not until I started to walk the inner journey, was I able to start to see the greater picture and the deeper meaning of my existence. For example, I would not be able to pastor and support people from various cultural backgrounds and ways of living had I not experienced these myself. 

LIFE is a mystery. I often do not know why I am going through a certain experience until it is done. The Divine is Gracious, however, if I want to know the ‘whys’, ‘he’ provides the answers. 

We all live meaningful lives but it is our responsibility to see what the meaning and the reasons behind our experiences. The simplest answer to ‘why me’ is because you are alive. Everyone who is alive is on a journey toward Oneness with the Divine Presence weather they are aware of it or not. 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day9

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 9

East, west, south, or north makes little difference. No matter what your destination, just be sure to make every journey, a journey within. If you travel within, you’ll visit the whole full World and beyond.”* 


Today, we are releasing self-pity and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release self-pity and move into forgiveness. Some situations or circumstances disappoint us. We feel that life is treating us unfairly asking “Oh, why me?” We have all been there.

You may find it odd, but when you feel like having a pity party, do it full tilt. Feel your emotions, cry, scream … do what it takes you move through the emotions. As you do that, you release self-pity. When you are complete, take time to go into the Silence. Take some deep breaths and allow Spirit to move through your entire being. Open your heart and mind to the living Spirit. Next, move into forgiveness of the whole situation, yourself included.

The next time, you may still feel disappointed, but you might choose to observe the situation with more neutrality, accept it, and forgive the mistakes and errors that this situation shows you.

As we wake up, we judge less, we forgive more.

Today, instead of a quote, I am sharing a short guided meditation on forgiveness with you. I hope you find it useful.


Today we affirm:  I choose to release self-pit and embrace forgiveness.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

A Great Wagon

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn’t make any sense.
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.
Rumi, Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad. “A Great Wagon.” The Essential Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks, Castle Books, 1997, p. 35-37.

Photo source

Contemplation Day8

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 8

Patience does not mean to endure passively. It means to look at the end of a process. What does tolerance mean? It means to look at the thorn and see the rose, to look at the night, and see the dawn. Impatience means to be shortsighted as not to be able to see the outcome. The lovers of God never run out of patience, for they know that time is needed for the crescent moon to become full.“* 


Today’s affirmation: I hold a supportive thought of  the Truth of Life.

As I was contemplating on Rule No8 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

As I child I leant to protect myself from the senselessness of the world around me by resisting. I learnt early on that people around me were either mentally ill or very confused. These were puzzling times because of the ‘Big Brother’ type of regime we lived in. We lived with a sense of terror because we never knew what to expect to happen the next day.

I learn to protect myself by holding my fists up and ready to punch. As soon as I feel insecure because of the confusion around me, I move into resistance and self-protection.

When I move into resistance, I lose sight of the bigger picture. I become impatient and want things to be different now! I move into controlling and fighting my circumstances which creates fiction and persist what I don’t want.

It has taken me – I am still working on releasing the underlying beliefs and behavioural patterns – a long time, to generate trust through the Knowing of God and be able to move with the flow of Life. 

We live in crazy times of wars, and conflicts at every turn. I still find it scary sometimes but I know better now. I know that there is a Guiding Light shining on me that supports me at every turn. 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click

40 Days of Love – Day8

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 8

Patience does not mean to endure passively. It means to look at the end of a process. What does tolerance mean? It means to look at the thorn and see the rose, to look at the night, and see the dawn. Impatience means to be shortsighted as not to be able to see the outcome. The lovers of God never run out of patience, for they know that time is needed for the crescent moon to become full.“* 


Today, we are releasing resistance and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release resistance and flow with life.  I remember today a saying that I heard a long time ago: ” What you resist persist.” There reason why that happens is that resistance adds energy to the very things we don’t want. 

Instead of resistance we can move into the flow of life and gain an understanding of the underlying belief that created the unwanted situation. Resistance can show up in different ways. Sometimes, I want to avoid becoming aware of a behaviour that is destructive. Other times, I am in resistance to an experience, simply because it is uncomfortable. I learnt through out my life, that I cannot avoid these ‘learning moments’ and I had better move with the events at hand. After I have moved through them, I can release the limiting beliefs and cultivate a healthy spiritual practice of cleansing untruthful thoughts and turn them around to focus on Truth of Life.

Taoism is the Path of Least Resistance to Overcome Any Obstacle. The concept of flow, or Wu Wei, heavily advocates paying attention to nature and almost imitating how it functions, and how it flows. Taoism suggests that we should not try to swim against the current, as seems to be the way in Western society, but instead simply let the current take us where it pleases. Source

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” -Lao Tzu

Today we affirm: I hold a supportive thought of  the Truth of Life.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day7

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 7

Whatever happens in your life, no matter how troubling things might seem, do not enter the neighborhood of despair. Even when all doors remain closed, God will open up a new path only for you. Be thankful! It is easy to be grateful when all is well. A Sufi is thankful not only for what he has been given but also for all that he has been denied.”* 


Today’s affirmation:  I give thanks for every opportunity
to grow and evolve

As I was contemplating on Rule No7 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

Rule No7 could not have come at a better time. I am going through some challenges with work that is giving me plenty of opportunity to learn to make new decisions and let go of old beliefs.

In the meantime, however, I am both exhausted and upset (mostly with myself). I spend countless hours trying to figure out how to respond differently, but the truth is that most of what is happening around me is not my creation. I am only a ‘suffering’ bystander to others’ drama. 

Since I am in no position to change matters, I’d better go with the flow and count my blessings. Every situation has silver-linings and this is no exception. Today, I will spend time in silent contemplation and make a list of the elements of this situation that I am actually grateful for.

I have done gratitude journaling and I have also run Gratitude Art-journaling classes (click for more info), so I know very well how beneficial thankfulness is for both body and soul. 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless. 

Source of heart picture, click


Inside this new love, die.
Your way begins on the other side.
Become the sky.
Take an axe to the prison wall.
Walk out like someone suddenly born into color.
Do it now.
You’re covered with thick cloud.
Slide out the side. Die,
and be quiet. Quietness is the surest sign
that you’ve died.
Your old life was a frantic running
from silence.
The speechless full moon
comes out now

By Rumi

Source – coleman barks the essential rumi

40 Days of Love – Day7

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 7

Whatever happens in your life, no matter how troubling things might seem, do not enter the neighborhood of despair. Even when all doors remain closed, God will open up a new path only for you. Be thankful! It is easy to be grateful when all is well. A Sufi is thankful not only for what he has been given but also for all that he has been denied.”* 


Today, we are releasing stress and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release

We live in an ever changing fast world that is full of opportunities for us to feel stressed and overwhelmed. I sometimes react to unexpected situations with a sense of stress or even anxiety. 

Though I often cannot change the circumstances of an event, I can still chose my reaction to the external situations.

Life is not the sum of random events but a permanent and continuous offer of possibilities to grow and evolve. I can assume that stressful moments are blessed opportunities to find stillness and peace within. 

I can chose to retrieve and move into my sacred inner sanctuary where I can connect the peace and stillness of the divine Presence. By. In doing so, agitation subsides, disturbing thoughts relax, emotions become calm and serene. The peace of Spirit blesses me.

“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.” Lao Tzu

“Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature. The way of nature is unchanging knowing constancy is insight.” Lao Tzu

Today we affirm:  I give thanks for every opportunity
to grow and evolve


Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day6

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 6

Loneliness and solitude are two different things. When you are lonely, it is easy to delude yourself into believing that you are on the right path. Isolation is better for us, as it means being alone without feeling lonely. But eventually, it is best to find a person who will be your mirror. Remember only in another person’s heart can you truly see yourself and the Presence of God within you.”*


Today’s affirmation:I release the weight of limitation and soar
beyond every obstacle with confidence and grace.

What really spoke to me today was a part of Rule N6: But eventually, it is best to find a person who will be your mirror. Remember only in another person’s heart can you truly see yourself and the Presence of God within you.

For me the above does not refer to intimate-love-relationships with a lover. It is  about have relationships with other people in general. I believe that everyone we form a relationship with will be our mirror. Sometimes, this mirror shows us aspects of ourselves that is painful to see. Still, if we are willing to keep on looking into it, we are able to become aware of the limitations that this mirror shows us, elements of our personality that block us from receiving God’s ever present Loving for us. As soon as we realise what the blockage is, we can release and let it go. 

Some other time, we form relationships with people who remind us how great we are. Not remembering our own goodness and uniqueness is also a limitation that we probably picked up in our childhood. These relationships are the sweetest because we can bask in God’s Loving through the eye of another.

The most important relationship, however, we can have with with God. It may sound strange but the only way to form a relationship with the Divine Presence is through Loving ourselves. As we form a humble, intimate, kind, and loving relationship with ourselves, the more we are able to feel God’s Loving Care for us. 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. They sounds odd to me to use and it sounds lifeless. 

40 Days of Love – Day6

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 6

Loneliness and solitude are two different things. When you are lonely, it is easy to delude yourself into believing that you are on the right path. Isolation is better for us, as it means being alone without feeling lonely. But eventually, it is best to find a person who will be your mirror. Remember only in another person’s heart can you truly see yourself and the Presence of God within you..”*


Today, we are releasing limitation and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release any limitations that no longer serve the life we want to live.

We are reminded that our potential is boundless, waiting four us to shed the fears that hold us back.

We can learn to trust the strength already within us by keep on testing the waters, stepping outside our comfort-zone and staying there long enough to change.

Let go and soar with the winds of change, for you are meant to thrive beyond your wildest imagination. Re Kathy Beasley 


This that is tormented and very tired,
tortured with restraints like a madman,
this heart.
Still you keep breaking the shell
to get the taste of its kernel! Rumi


I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


Today we affirm: I release the weight of limitation and soar
beyond every obstacle with confidence and grace.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Rumi’s poetry

The Essence of Rumi’s Teachings

At the heart of Rumi’s teachings is the concept of divine love and the unity of all existence. He speaks of a boundless, unconditional love that connects every soul to the divine source. Rumi’s poetry often emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, compassion, and the pursuit of inner harmony as essential steps on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

Self-Discovery Through Reflection

Rumi’s verses invite readers to embark on a journey within, urging them to reflect on their thoughts, emotions, and actions. He emphasizes the significance of self-awareness, encouraging individuals to question their beliefs and explore the depths of their souls. Through introspection, Rumi teaches that one can unravel the layers of ego and discover the true essence of their being.

Contemplation Day5

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 4

Intellect and Love are made of different materials. Intellect ties people in knots and risks nothing, but love dissolves all tangles and risks everything. Intellect is always cautious and advises, ‘Beware too much ecstasy,’ whereas Love says, ‘Oh, never mind! Take the plunge!’ Intelligence does not easily break down, whereas Love can effortlessly reduce itself to rubble. But treasures are hidden among ruins. A broken heart hides treasures.


Today’s affirmation: I release my limited Ego so I can return to Oneness with the Greatest Love.

As I was contemplating on Rule No1 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

I often find that we talk about the Ego as something Evil that we should ‘destroy’ in ourselves so to reach enlightenment.

In my view, Ego is a collection of Limitations and error-thoughts that is often collectively called the Devil; aspects of ourselves that support us to learn and grow. All is God and so all is good. Nothing is to be condemned. At the same time, we are to move through and overcome these limitations so to get closer to the Divine Presence.

All the great masters, gurus and teachers had an Ego and lessons to learn or overcome. No human is perfect, no matter how enlightened they are. I love the way Jesus is depicted in the Bible because it shows his humanity. He was Loving man with a temperament. He was sometimes abrupt and impatient. 

Awareness is key. We need to decide for ourselves what limits us to get closer to the Divine Presence.

Now, when I look at my fears and how I try to control the world around so I feel safer, I understand that I do not allow God to love and support me. When I allow my scared Ego to run my life, I notice that I ‘move’ God to the side and tell him “move away, I am dealing with this!’. This behaviour shows lack of trust and my Ego’s insistence on having ‘her’ own way. 

With awareness I can make a different choice. I can simply observe the fear and keep on inviting the Divine Presence to walk with me and support me. As I release this fearful aspect of my Ego into the ‘Light’ or the nothingness, I get closer to God who is always happy to guide me and lift me up in return. 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. They sounds odd to me to use and it sounds lifeless. 

40 Days of Love – Day5

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 5

Most of the problems of the world stem from linguistic mistakes and simple misunderstandings. Don’t ever take words at face value. When you step into the zone of Love, language, as we know it, becomes obsolete. That which cannot be put into words can only be grasped through silence.”


Today, we are releasing our Ego/Naf and embracing God’s Love for us. 

“Kill the cow of your ego as quickly as you can, so that your inner spirit can come to life and attain true awareness.” Rumi

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release the temptations of our Ego who only strives for selfish satisfaction. The Ego simply wants to ensure its superiority to others and feels threatened when felling powerless. 

In Unity, the Devil symbolizes mass consciousness or human thoughts adverse to divine good. Jesus’ temptation was a battle within himself, with his ego and will. He was learning to forgo using his spiritual power—the same potential born in each of us.

12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” John 13:12-17

Today, I invite you to contemplate on Rule No5 and the quote below. Let me know how practicing releasing your Ego worked for you today. 

Today we affirm: I release my limited Ego so I can return to Oneness with the Greatest Love.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak and The Lent booklet 2024 by Unity.org 

Seven stages of the Ego

The first stage is the Depraved Ego (Nafs), the most primitive and common state of being, when the soul is entrapped in worldly pursuits. Most human beings are stuck there, struggling and suffering in the service of their ego but always holding others responsible for their continuing unhappiness. If and when a person becomes aware of the ego’s abased situation, by starting to work on himself, he can move to the next stage, which in a way is the opposite of the previous one. Instead of blaming other people all the time, the person who has reached this stage blames himself, sometimes to the point of self effacement.

Herein the ego becomes the Accusing Nafs and thus starts the journey toward inner purification.

In the third stage, the person is more mature and the ego has evolved into the Inspired Nafs. It is only at this level, and not anytime before, that one can experience the true meaning of the word “surrender” and roam the Valley of Knowledge. Anyone who has made it this far will possess and display patience, perseverance, wisdom, and humility. The world will feel new and full of inspiration. Nevertheless, many of the people who reach the third level feel an urge to dwell here, losing the will or the courage to go further. That is why, as beautiful and blessed as it is, the third stage is a trap for the one who aims higher.

Those who manage to go further, reach the Valley of Wisdom and come to know the Serene Nafs. Here the ego is not what it used to be, having altered into a high level of consciousness. Generosity, gratitude, and an unwavering sense of contentment regardless of the hardships in life are the main characteristics accompanying anyone who has arrived here.

Beyond that lies the Valley of Unity. Those who are here will be pleased with whatever situation God places them in. Mundane matters make no difference to them, as they have achieved the Pleased Nafs.

In the next stage, the Pleasing Nafs, one becomes a lantern to humanity, radiating energy to everyone who asks for it, teaching and illuminating like a true master. Sometimes such a person can also have healing powers. Wherever he goes, he will make a big difference in other people’s lives. In everything he does and aspires to do, his main goal is to serve God through serving others.

Finally, in the seventh stage, one attains the Purified Nafs and becomes Insan-i Kâmil, a perfect human being. But nobody knows much about that state, and even if a few ever did, they wouldn’t speak of it.

The stages along the path are easy to summarize, difficult to experience. Adding to the obstacles that appear along the way is the fact that there is no guarantee of continuous progress. The route from the first to the last stage is by no means linear. There is always the danger of tumbling back into earlier stages, sometimes even from a superior stage all the way down to the first one. Given the many traps along the way, it is no wonder that in every century only a few people manage to reach the final stages. 


Excerpted from Elif Shafak’s Forty Rules of Love.


Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day4

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 4

Intellect and Love are made of different materials. Intellect ties people in knots and risks nothing, but love dissolves all tangles and risks everything. Intellect is always cautious and advises, ‘Beware too much ecstasy,’ whereas Love says, ‘Oh, never mind! Take the plunge!’ Intelligence does not easily break down, whereas Love can effortlessly reduce itself to rubble. But treasures are hidden among ruins. A broken heart hides treasures.


Today’s affirmation:  I let go into the very presence of God’s love
within me, and I am made whole and well and free

As I was contemplating on Rule No1 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

Following Love instead of Intelligence has been a long and arduous journey for me. 🙂 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matt 5:5 I come from a long line of well-educated intellectuals who valued smartness the best amongst attributes. As a result I only sought after endeavours that made me smarter or gave me additional knowledge. 

This is how, at first, I approached spirituality. I thought I would learn about the nature of the Divine and so I will understand myself and others more. It took me a long time to realize that God cannot be known, only experienced.

The intellect is always limited by its fears. Until I approached knowing the Divine with my intellect I could only see what I was taught about God. In my case, it was a ‘righteous and angry old guy who does not like naughty children’.

When I allowed myself to follow the river of Loving – a strong energy current – in meditation, I started to experience myself freer and in a way whole again in the Oneness with ‘him’. It is rather difficult to write about inner experiences so I suggest you find it our for yourself. 🙂 

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. They sounds odd to me to use and it sounds lifeless. 

40 Days of Love – Day4

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 4

Intellect and Love are made of different materials. Intellect ties people in knots and risks nothing, but love dissolves all tangles and risks everything. Intellect is always cautious and advises, ‘Beware too much ecstasy,’ whereas Love says, ‘Oh, never mind! Take the plunge!’ Intelligence does not easily break down, whereas Love can effortlessly reduce itself to rubble. But treasures are hidden among ruins. A broken heart hides treasures.


Today, we are releasing sorrow and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet Invites us today to reminded that the only way out of a sense of loss and sorrow is to walk through it. As we release those we have lost, we experience grief but are also left with precious memories. Today, we remember, that the pain fades with our releasing our loved ones into Love’s embrace, into eternal life. Our positive memories create a living legacy for them. 

I will turn their mourning into joy, I will comfort them,
and give them gladness for sorrow.—Jeremiah 31:13

Today we affirm:  I let go into the very presence of God’s love
within me, and I am made whole and well and free

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day3

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 3

You can study God through everything and everyone in the universe because God is not confined in a mosque, synagogue, or church. But if you are still in need of knowing where exactly His abode is, there is only one place to look for him: in the heart of a true lover.“* 


Today’s affirmation: I release my expectations. I refrain from complaining. I can see the silver-lining in every situation.

As I was contemplating on Rule No1 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

…when I was young, in my teens, I often went to the church towering right in front of our apartment complex. I did not go to pray because I did not know how to pray. I went there because I was told that God lived in there and I wanted to give God a piece of my mind.

I was having a hard time like most teenagers do and because I was told that God was the great fixer, I went to complain about my miserable existence.

” …there is only one place to look for him: in the heart of a true lover.”

Much later, after I have started to meditate, I realized that the Divine is not a person but a being who’s spark resides within me and if I ever wanted God to hear me, I only needed to close my eyes, turn my attention within into my spiritual heart centre which is in the middle of my forehead or third eye centre and call upon ‘him’.  I also stopped complaining – not completely 🙂 but much less -, instead, I ask God to show me where I limit myself and help me become aware of how I am creating ‘misery’ for myself.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. They sounds odd to me to use and it sounds lifeless. 

40 Days of Love – Day3

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace

Rule 3

You can study God through everything and everyone in the universe because God is not confined in a mosque, synagogue, or church. But if you are still in need of knowing where exactly His abode is, there is only one place to look for him: in the heart of a true lover.“* 


Today, we are releasing complaining and embracing God’s Love for us. 

Our Lent Booklet Invites us today to contemplate on the following question today: 

How many of us complain to get sympathy, attention, or to
avoid something we’re afraid of doing?

Don’t complain about Autumn.
Walk with grief like a good friend. Listen to what it says.
Sometimes the cold and dark of a cave give the opening we most want.

Today, I invite you to contemplate on the Rule No3, the question and the  poem above and the quote below. 🙂 Let me know how practicing releasing complaining worked for you. 

“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?” ― Rumi

Today we affirm: I release my expectations. I refrain from complaining. I can see the silver-lining in every situation.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

Contemplation Day2

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace


The path to the Truth is a labor of the heart, not of the head. Make your heart your primary guide! Not your mind. Meet, challenge, and ultimately prevail over your nafs (false ego) with your heart. Knowing your false ego will lead you to the Knowledge of God.

Today’s affirmation:  I let go of old grievances and allow God’s love
to heal my body, mind, and spirit.

As I was contemplating on Rule No1 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …

Recently, I have been looking back on past events that seems to have had a great impact on how I saw myself. Between the age of about 10 and 18, I had teachers who told me that I was stupid and useless. Eventually, I believed them and started to see myself the way they saw me. As a result I became very angry with myself and with the world who in my understanding forced a false sense of self on me.

I found myself being separate from my own self. It took me years of soul-searching and healing to recover my sense of True Self in the Divine, the person who I have always been but forgot about for a while. For that, I needed to learn to see myself and the world through the eyes of the Heart, with compassion.

Having been resentful towards these teachers for decades only resulted in more pain over events that I could not change. The Ego/Nafs always wants revenge, wants the wrong-doer to be punished, and the suppressed to triumph. In the world of the Heart, however, there is no separation. I forgave myself for having allowed others’ opinion of me become the way I saw myself. I released the past with all its pain, anger, resentment and in return I rediscovered myself in Love.

What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent Reading?

in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik

Who do you want to become?

Rev McAfee says : Being who you want to be, feeling the resultant sense of peace and freedom within yourself, being the kind of person others want to be with, being a loyal and true friend, being grateful to be alive and happy to have a life at all – none of these depend upon the temporary physical conditions of your life.  You are free to be all of that now. Wherever you are.  Rich or poor, young or old, success or failure, whatever the limitations in which you find yourself.  You are free to be that “you” right now. 


What you value, what you stand for, who you stand with, what you love and treasure, what principles you build your life around – those are up to you.  You may or may not be able to change your physical life.  You may or may not ever have your ideal life.  But you can be the “you” that you envision. IF that is what you really want, IF that is who your heart is calling you to be.  And chances are, someone besides you is hoping you will do that, too.  I know I do.”

This writing made me think. Who do I want to be come? Not only in my mind but in my actions, too. It is easy to think of myself as someone kind but when someone cuts me off in a traffic jam, I curse him in anger. 

Who do I envision myself to become?

As I walk this path on enfoldment, it is less and less of a wish and more and more of a discovery. Earlier, I wanted to be someone like a sage, an all knowing guru who saves humanity from doom. Now, I just laugh at this notion. As I am discovering myself in Spirit, I am realising certain aspects of the Divine instilled in me that I would have never thought of! I am goofy, a bit of a jester! I am genuinely caring but not always kind. I am enthusiastic but not ambitious. I am creative, a good problem-solver but I do not stick around. After the job is done, I move on because I love new challenges.

Who do you envision yourself to become in the Divine?