
I have run out of tools. Not as if I had many before. I had two. I screamed and shouted to let the other person know that whatever is happening is not OK with me. They did not get it. I don’t blame them. It must have been too much or too loud! The other one is to show what I need or how I need thinks to be done. I treat people the way I wish to be treated. It does not work either. Not very often anyway.  When I do that, I notice that others take me for a fool. They either look at me curiously, wondering what the trick is, where the cheat is or just laugh at my silliness. Yes, sure, there are some people who really get it, and when it happens it is like a miracle, it feels awesome!: ) It is worth trying for these moments, moments of true connections, the moment when the sparkle appears , and we both get it and start a mirror dance together, even for a moment … it is worth it.