40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God
From Release to Embrace
“How we see God is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves. If God brings to mind mostly fear and blame, it means there is too much fear and blame swelled inside us. If we see God as full of Love and compassion, so are we.“
Today’s affirmation: I embrace my Christ nature and shower myself with compassion and love.
As I was contemplating on Rule No1 and today’s Lent message, I realized that …
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. (NASB) I JOHN 4:7
This verse from the Bible states beautifully that the only way to God/the Divine Presence is through Love. This Love, however, is not a romantic notion. It is a strong commitment of putting God first in our lives and as Jesus commanded in the ‘rich man’ parables, we must let go all our attachment and move into a Loving place within ourselves that is called Oneness.
Being in Loving, for me is becoming aware of my reactions and attachments then releasing them into the ‘nothingness’. It is a strong sense of willingness to move to a neutral place within myself where I am OK with the world, and I am OK with myself. First of all, I love myself just as I am without judging or condemning myself for the mistakes I make. “and lead us not into temptation.” (Luke 11:4)
Secondly, I move into acceptance with the world knowing that regardless of how it appears, it is part of God’s Divine Creation. “ On Earth as it is in heaven” (Mat 6:10) Knowing that Creation is in constant movement towards its Source which is Goodness.
Though God is Love and Good, it does not mean that we only experience ‘good or fuzzy feelings’ all the time. As we turn our consciousness back towards God/the Divine Presence we start experiencing discomfort, fear and resistance to move on. The limitations that we – often unknowingly – place on ourselves and the beliefs that we act upon can create difficult experiences for us.
It is not God’s job to save us, however. God is ever present, ever Loving and ever calling us to turn back to him so we can bask in ‘his’ Goodness. It is our responsibility to commit and find the way back to his Grace. As we become aware of what separates us from the Divine Loving, we can now choose to release and let go of these hurdles.
in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik