40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God
From Release to Embrace
Rule 23
“The human being has a unique place among God’s creation. “I breathed into him of My Spirit,” God says. Each one of us without exception is designed to be God’s delegate on earth. Ask yourself, just how often do you behave like a delegate, if you ever do so? Remember, it falls upon each of us to discover the divine spirit inside and live by it.“
Today we affirm: I am always one with Spirit, in darkness and in light
Each one of us without exception is designed to be God’s delegate on earth. … Remember, it falls upon each of us to discover the divine spirit inside and live by it. Rule 23
In my experience, darkness is a state of mind. Darkness is when I am lost in my petty errors, my anger, my frustration and blame other or God for the feeling of discomfort that comes with these experiences.
Yesterday, I had a great lesson in choosing to be in darkness or moving out into the light – shifting my consciousness from victimhood and blame to forgiveness and acceptance.
It all started with me being with my father and my brother for not having checked my car, particularly the oil level in the engine. Then, I took off. While driving, I was still fuming with anger about my family’s behaviour, how unsupportive then are … and on … and on …
Luckily, I stopped 35 kilometers later to buy something to eat. The engine was smoking. As I opened the hood, I realized that I had forgotten to put the cap back on the oil tank and now the oil had slashed all over the engine and the inside of the hood. I was so angry, I felt desperate, I felt let down, I was a victim.
I called my brother to tell me what to do who explained that all I needed to do was to clean off the oil, make sure that there is still enough oil in the engine. I spent an hour cleaning the engine and sending photos to my brother who eventually said that it looks clean enough so I can get back onto the road. About 30 minutes later, my mum called checking on me if I was OK, and the car was OK …
As I was driving I heard Spirit asking me if I knew what was going on, if I were at all aware how I had generated this experience for myself, if I knew what the lessons was. As I was dismissing ‘Him’, ‘He’ turned serious and said: It must stop, now! Your must stop having expectations on people. You must stop having demands on people. If you feel lost or alone, ask for support and wait until it arrives and do what you can in the meantime. It is time to accept people as they are, for what they can or cannot offer.
As I was moving out of my self-generated darkness, I remembered today’s rule, ‘everyone is God’s delegate on earth‘, everyone is ‘perfect’ as they are. ‘disrespecting differences and imposing your thoughts on others is tantamount to disrespecting God’s holy scheme.” Rule20
It is all about respect …
What did you discover by contemplation on this rule and Lent reading?
in Loving and with many Blessings,
Rev Kudlik
Please note that though I may use ‘him’ or ‘his’ pronouns to talk about God/the Divine, it is only because the English language does not have a gender neutral pronoun. ‘They’ sounds odd to me to use and ‘it’ sounds lifeless.