Today I remembered the funeral again …
The tears, that were running down my face as I was looking at the casket of the man I had never met inhis life, were clearing my soul.
Still he looked all so familiar. And I felt grateful.
Suddenly I was taken aback to the funerals that meant the most to me so far; the hastened saying good-byes to the two people I loved and cared for the most so far in my life.
As I was listening to the ministers’ sermon I could say my good-byes for real this time. I was not ready the first time and I wasn’t really present at the second time either. I was too young. I was too much in pain.
But this time I was there – body, mind and soul.
I said my prayers.
I said my good-byes.
I let them go.
God Bless you beautiful people who touched my life in many beautiful ways. I am grateful for your presence and contribution to my journey.
(The man next to me in the back turned to me, smiled and said: “Your drawing are beautiful. If you are not an artist, you should be one …”)