Meaning: of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas.
So practical is REAL.
I often feel that when it comes to spirituality most people believe that spiritual ideas are wacky and out of this sphere. Most people follow some preset rules or dogmas believing that they will bring salvation from doom or mortality to their souls that they do not know what that is really.
Some people believe that spirits of entities or antient creatures help their life journey to unfold for the better.
None of it is wrong. As long as it helps one to uplift and develop. The truth is that we all need to find our very own unique path, journey, tools that work for us. And if what works is holding seances with spirits then it is what it is.
My path is the path of the practical. With every spiritual teaching or idea, I ask the same questions: So how can I use this in my everyday life? How is ‘this’ going to help me cope better in my daily struggles? How is this going to support me in dealing with my relationships with more ease, etc.
HOW TO? is my way. And as an UNCOMMON PASTOR this is what I offer. Any spiritual idea, teaching, practise, ritual that does not have practical applications in my daily life, does not support me. Get in touch if you are interested in taking part in small group discussions or individual mentoring sessions with me.