Ramadan & Eid Cards7

Every Road leads to God if it is a road of Love, Compassion and Charity. Each culture and faith has its own traditions and celebrations that were originally created so to enable the seekers to find their path to God. Ramadan is one of these traditions.


Ramadan begins on the night of Sunday, 10 March, and continue through Tuesday, April 9, ending in the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.

I found a few lovely tips that we could all follow to observe Ramadan. Following these simple tips can remind us of the core message of Ramadan (which is rather similar to Lent): It is a time for reflection, withdrawal from the world by not indulging in pleasures like eating, turning your attention within and celebrate your connection to the Divine Presence.


Come and join me by posting your EID CARD each day expressing in drawing and writing what you are most grateful for ‘today’ (each day) in our FACEBOOK GROUP