The world is full of wars and conflicts. Most of them are wars of ideas that never change but punish the innocent. Wars and conflicts are not started by simple housewives because of having run out of butter. Conflicts are generated by a small groups of people who appear to represent the majority.
In truth our issues are never outside of us. All the issues we face regardless how they appear are generated within ourselves. It is quite likely that we can find people with similar issues but it still does not mean that the issue is outside. We, ourselves, place the issue out into the world then look for a suitable scapegoat to relieve our inner discord.
I have seen it too many times to know that when we look within and face our ‘inner enemy’ the outer disappears.
It is admittedly easier to fight an outer demon and appear heroic than following e.g. Jesus’ or Moses’ examples. They both showed great courage when they went into the wilderness to overcome their own demons and connect deeper with the Divine Presence. They did not go to war with another tribe or the phereses to relieve their frustrations. They took responsibility for themselves and set with their inner challenges until they dissipated.
Spiritual Life is made up of a series of actions. It is not a mental concept or a phantasy of glory and chimes. Some the actions are hard to do but God is there with us all the time as long as we are willing to take on the challenge.
Why bother?Well, for a start as we resolve our inner conflicts there will be less in the world. Additionally, we will experience a kind of Love that is indescribable. Love that feels like safety and warms just as much as exuberance and freedom. The rewards are much more valuable than the invested efforts.
If you are interested in having and ACTIVE SPRITUAL LIFE, get in touch!
One of the ‘main’ teachings of any spiritual circle is the idea of LETTING GO. In a way it is the opposite of HOLDING ON or CONTROLING. It makes sense. It is impossible to make any changes in one’s life without letting go. A simple example is when you want to wear a set of new clothes, first you need to throw out (let go of) your old clothes so they would fit your wardrobe. It is the same with ideas of beliefs.
Well, is it really that easy? Does it really work the same way with beliefs as it is with clothes? The answer is NO. Letting go of beliefs is part (the last part) of a longer process.
Just because you do not like something or something makes you feel uncomfortable it does not automatically mean that you can let it go.
Fear is often a life-long companion for most of us in some form or another. Most people are not even aware of the ‘things’ that make them feel afraid. Most of our fears and anxiety stem in a belief that we picked up in our childhood. Simply claiming or affirming a life without fear will not do the job, either.
Our life is a journey of learning and unlearning until we arrive into Wholeness with the Loving that we often call God.
Recently, I became aware of a belief or pattern of behaviour that I had lived with most of my life. As I child I learnt that the way I can assure safety and care is to take on others’ responsibilities. As an adult, I often found myself outraged and angry with people who seemingly had dropped their responsibilities onto my shoulders. Later, I understood that beliefs generate experiences. Because I learnt that ‘responsibility’ is my ‘curtain call’, I attract people who prefer not to take it.
Though I have tried many times, I simply cannot release the belief or override the actions. I pray daily that I move into more freedom with my limitations and I do have affirmations that aim at releasing my sense of responsibility, but until I ACT DIFFERENTLY nothing changes.
God, in Its infinite Loving and Grace, provides us with opportunities. If we don’t take them, It eventually guides us into situations where we have no other choices but to ‘let go’.
Presently, I am in one of those ‘unavoidable’ situations. It is hard to walk it day by day. It is hard to be faced with the fear that is generated by my not taking responsibility for others. I am crazy worried that ‘they’ will screw it up and I will have to fix it so to survive. I remind myself that it is only a belief, it is not reality any more.
I know better. I know that God’s Grace walks with us all whether we are aware of it or not. There was a time when I did not feel God’s Grace. Now, I know it because I know how to tune into it.
At the same time, I know that God wants me to be free from this limitation. It wants me to be a calmer and less anxious person by allowing others to do their lives as they see fit without me interfering and fixing it for them. This is the learning or unlearning process. Until I can move my entire being into a new way of responding to familiar situations, I am actively walking the ‘letting go’ process in my own way.
Nevertheless, I do not ignore people. It is true that I do not try to save them. Just because I assume that they cannot take responsibility for their lives does not mean that I turn away from them. I keep on checking with myself if I am in ‘saving’ mode or ‘supporting’ mode. 🙂 When I feel that I am trying to save them, I consciously move into ‘letting go’ which in my case means asking God to walk with me, guide me, forgive me for not doing what I assume I should do, I cry, I meditate, I talk to a friend … and I keep on doing this until the belief dissolves into the Oneness.
In conclusion, ‘letting go’ is not words but acts. How we walk the process of release is unique to us all. We are the ones who are aware of the beliefs, the patterns, the errors and eventually the way out of it.
God walks the journey with us as long as we ask It to do so.
Let me know if you are interested in PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY, a journey of awakening to self and God.