Limitations and Awareness

Self-awareness is KEY to spiritual development and Self-Love

We all see the world through a filter that was mostly created in our childhood until about the age of 7. We created this filter as part of our self-protection. Most of us are not aware of this ‘mask’ or layer of personality because we often believe that this is who we are. Except that this is not true.

Who we are in our essence, this beautiful unique being, is often hidden behind the ‘mask’. Becoming aware of the different facets of the ‘mask’ or Ego can help us heal the wounds that created the ‘mask’ in the first place and recover our true identity.

In this podcast I talk about the different levels of self-awareness and how to go about gaining correct self-awareness. I also mention different ways to approach becoming aware of mask and limitations. I talk about the Enneagram system. 

– sorry about the quality of the podcast, the filtering process diminished the quality 🙁 –

Self Love

A couple of years ago, I was interviewed by a lovely host on self-love. it is one of my favourite topics because I grew up with being taught how to hate myself.  The society I grew up in was condemning and judgemental. People believed that by pointing out your faults would make you a strong and capable human being. Well, I don’t think it worked because at the age of  21 I had a nervous breakdown. This experience made me look for ‘other ways’ of becoming a strong and capable human being. I found that self-love does the trick! 🙂 

Listen to our discussion and let me know what you think.


I often notice how many more likes a post of a quote or a nice photo gets compared to a well written personal account of overcoming challenges, or sharing a personal experience of an event.

We seem to feel uncomfortable  with becoming personal.

Wise words of a guru may inspire you but it will not change your life. What will though is that you consciously walk your own journey and share it with others. Not the fancy stuff, not the pretences or the photos of lovely places – they are nice to look at them surely – but the insight you have gained by walking this specific journey, having seen that scenery, reading that book, meeting that friend for a coffee.

What have you learnt about yourself and the world around you as a result of that particular experience?

What have you become aware of that could maybe be let go of?

What magnificent newness have you realized about yourself?

Let’s get real! Let’s get deep!