Young People and God2

I received a question on the blog “YOUNG PEOPLE AND GOD” Read and listen to the blog here

It’s very interesting. I think you are right that young people are not good in really knowing themselves. They focus on outer world without looking inward. When you mention God I think on the extreme materialism as one of the causes. The focus is on the body, on the money, on the stuff you can buy with your money etc.. BUT: Do you see any connection of the visible trend (South-Nord) and the religions in these countries? It seems to me that young people in the most religious catholic countries stay at home the longest.

And here is my answer to the question.

Thank you for your thoughts!!! 🙂 Well, I think that being religious and having a relationship with God (spritual) are not the same things. In my experience the more religious (particularly Christian) someone is, the least they are in touch with themselves or God.  Sadly, religion often serves as a cop-out. Following religious doctrines and rituals often prevent people from looking within, facing the inner demons, and creating a loving relationship with self and God. In my experience, most religious people fear God because religious doctrines suggest an innate impurity and sinfulness which is false. As we walk the inner journey, we discover the false ideas about ourselves and discover that God is an innate Loving being within. I often observe that rituals distract people from the inner journey that can be challenging at times. With regards to young people, my hope is that they will start questioning old fashioned ideas and start looking for their own personal relationship with God via walking the inner journey. <3 

Young people and God

I found this picture on FB today. It made me wonder. When I was 17 I could not wait to turn 18 so I can leave home and move in with my boyfriend at the time. I wanted to be independent and free. So, what has changed? Why would a healthy young man or woman wait until the age of 28 to leave home? 

Most people would probably respond by saying “because of lack of money”. Well, I am not sure about that. We did not have much money when I was 18 but we wanted to forge our life on our own terms.

I think that young people of today have less confidence in themselves as we did when I was young. By the age of 17, I had been through a lot of challenging experiences. I was a latchkey child. I learnt quickly how to make a sandwich if I was hungry and did my homework without private tutors being on stand-by.

The Y and Z generation appear to be ‘overprotected’ to me that resulted in having a lack of self-confidence, unrealistic expectations and low self-esteem among them. It seems to me, that in this new age of the internet and media, people’s ideas of a happy and fulfilling life has been forged by factors that have little to do with the young person.

I often find that young people either have little dreams or have fantasies of the future.  

Staying at home ensures that one does not need to face reality or make efforts towards creating a fulfilling life.

God is the solution. Not God as a white bearded Santa Clause looking guy inhabiting the Heavens, but God that resides in each of us.  As young people start looking within, not only do they discover an inner connectedness with the Divine but they also discover themselves. KNOWING ONESELF is the only true foundation for a good life. 

Having a clarity on WHO I AM, WHAT I AM GOOD AT, WHAT MY TRUE ASPIRATIONS ARE, and having a solid relationship with an innate LOVING PRESENCE that is GOD automatically creates HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT that cannot be matched.

When I see young people who are lost, unhappy, addicts, overachievers, etc. I simply note that they have not looked inside for the answers yet!


In Loving,

Rev Kudlik

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For Parents

Are you searching for something spiritual but not religious for your family? 

Join our community of Parents who want to support their children to understand and experience self-love, self-care, compassion, Divine guidance, uplifting thinking, prosperity thinking, the 12-powers of men (divine powers that we all have and can develop consciously), and more.

Our open FACEBOOK GROUP allow you to find out more and connect with likeminded people.


If you want to learn more about the program please contact Rev Kudlik below:

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Below I placed a video that advertises Spiritual Playdate, a self- and spiritual-educational organisation in the USA. I love the concept and what they offer. <3

At Unity we take spiritual playdates a step further and address spiritually infused topics as well as personal management topics, listed above. We offer an educational program that comprises elements of creative adventures, self-management education, community building,  both online and in person for those living in European Time zones.

The Latest News

So, I have recently become a licensed Minister with Unity, a spiritual organisation offering practical, uplifting resources to people of all faith so they can apply positive spiritual principle to their lives. 🙂 

With that, I am finally starting the project that I envisaged in 2004 when I was setting up Essence Seminars in Hungary. 20 years has passed since then. I hope that I have matured a great deal 🙂 during this time. It has become clear to me what kind of ‘alternative education’ I wish to provide youngsters and their families.

Unity Europe will combine personal growth ideas with spiritual ideas! We will offer different courses and workshops, book-clubs, a creative-lab, parenting classes, and more in our ONLINE SPIRITUAL CENTRE.

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