Easter Message, a video

This is the video recording of the Spiritual Communion Service we held at Unity Daily Word UK. Rev Kabelo Letebele from Unity Johannesburg, South Africa, started the service whereas Rev Kimerie Mapletoft, Director of Silent Unity, UK introduced the program. Main speaker: Rev Ildiko Kudlik, UNITY EUROPE

(Please note that some of the songs are not shown in the program because of YouTube Copyright laws. Pls find the entire program and the songs below. )



Candle Lighting

I would like to ask you to light a candle or switch on a Candle App on your phone. As we light this candle, we remember that we have a light just like this within us. It is the unique essence of who we are. As we light the candle, we connect with this deeper part of ourselves and connect with the Divine Presence.

This song is to remind us of our loving relationship with the Divine/God.


The Lenten Journey

The Lenten Season is a 40-day journey of release and purification. We are getting ready to embrace a higher level of consciousness.

I walk the Lenten journey yearly now. Every year I am offered a different ‘main theme’ to work on. This year, my main learning seems to be ‘going with the flow’. I am leaning to release struggle and embrace neutrality and total acceptance of what is.

It is especially challenging for me because I am a ‘controller’. I want things the way I want them. My ideas are often flawed and limited. My life is way greater than what I can comprehend and therefore I don’t really know what’s best for me. I know what I want, and I struggle to get it because I often move ‘against’ the flow of Life. All my struggles would cease if I could just let it all go and move into Divine Order. (which is not a pre-destined fate or apathy!)

Silence and Contemplation

I would like to invite you to listen to this short mediation and contemplate on your own personal Lenten Journey: What was it like?  What have you discovered? What have you become aware of? What are the major ‘let go’s’ this year?

After listening to the meditation stay in the Silence for a while.


Often as a result of looking at our shortcomings, we find ourselves wanting and so we judge ourselves. We think: “I shouldn’t have …”

I would like to invite you to remember or to read the part of the Bible that depicts the Crucifixion story in the the New Testament.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

26 As the soldiers led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus. 27 A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him. 28 Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. 29 For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ 30 Then

“‘they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!”
    and to the hills, “Cover us!”’[b]

31 For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”

32 Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed. 33 When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. 34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[c] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

35 The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.”

36 The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar 37 and said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.”

38 There was a written notice above him, which read: this is the king of the jews.

39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”

40 But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.[d]” (NIV Luke 23:26-43)

Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

This sentence to me is a sign of total acceptance of what is and forgiveness.

Silence and Forgiveness

Now, I would like to invite you to listen to this short meditation on Luke 23:43

After you listened to the meditation you may want to stay in the silence and remember the different things you judge yourself for, then just say:

I forgive myself for judging myself for …


What do you think the resurrection story about?

Can you imagine that Jesus’  resurrection story is something that happens inside of us? Jesus’s story can be understood as the story of our own consciousness. As a result of having walked the Lenten Journey, having forgiven our ‘sins’ (by sin we understand our shortcomings and error thinking)  we find ourselves on a higher altitude, on a higher level of consciousness, and in greater Oneness with the Divine Presence as well as in greater Loving within ourselves.

Song and Silence

I would like to invite you to experience ‘this higher altitude’ by listening to this song.

As we listen to the next song, I would like to invite you to close your eyes and experience being lifted …

After the song, stay in the Silence for a while. 


Thank you listening and spending this time with me. I hope you found the meditations and songs uplifting. I wish you a blessed Easter Holiday.


40 Days of Love – Day40+7

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace


At the link below, you can find the audio recording of all the Rules. You can randomly choose one and contemplate on it. It may bring you some insight or something to let go of today.


ESTER SUNDAY, the Holy Week

Today, we are releasing any attachment to our physical life and embracing God’s Love for us.

Today, as we release the ultimate attachment which is to our physical life, we remember that our souls continue their spiritual journey aft er death but that our
human lives are on an upward trajectory while we are here.

Today we celebrate all that the Easter story means to us. In  resurrection we realize that we have risen to a new level of consciousness on our journey of enlightenment.


Today we affirm: Today I let go of all attachments and arrive to a higher plain.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 


Holy Week or Passion Week   

Holy Week in the Christian year is the week immediately before Easter.

Holy Week begins with the commemoration of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, marks the betrayal of Jesus on Spy Wednesday (Holy Wednesday), climaxing with the commemoration of the Mystical or Last Supper on Maundy Thursday and the Passion of Jesus on Good Friday. Holy Week concludes with Christ’s rest in death and descent into hell on Holy Saturday.

Christians believe that Jesus rested in death from the ninth hour (3 pm) on Good Friday until just before dawn on Sunday morning, the day of his resurrection from death, commonly known as Easter Sunday.

Holy Week liturgies generally attract the largest crowds of the year. Many Christian cultures have different traditions such as special liturgies or services, floats, sculptures or live reenactments of Christ’s life, his arrest and crucifixion (also called the Lord’s passion, the Passion of Christ or Passion of Jesus)

Looking at the ‘story’ above, what do you think this week could be about in terms of ‘Lifting one’s consciousness?’

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

40 Days of Love – Day40+6

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace


At the link below, you can find the audio recording of all the Rules. You can randomly choose one and contemplate on it. It may bring you some insight or something to let go of today.


Today, we are releasing fear of change and embracing God’s Love for us.

Today, our LENT booklet invites us to release release fear of change by embracing the idea that change is inevitable.

“The first step is to get in tune with the Infinite,” Eric Butterworth wrote in his essay “How to Overcome Fear and Worry.” We can take a gentle, cleansing breath to get in touch with the indwelling presence of God. As we do this, we release fear and embrace change wholeheartedly.

Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Today we affirm: I am willing to release all limiting thoughts
and know change as my divine birthright

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 


Holy Week or Passion Week   

Holy Week in the Christian year is the week immediately before Easter.

Holy Week begins with the commemoration of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, marks the betrayal of Jesus on Spy Wednesday (Holy Wednesday), climaxing with the commemoration of the Mystical or Last Supper on Maundy Thursday and the Passion of Jesus on Good Friday. Holy Week concludes with Christ’s rest in death and descent into hell on Holy Saturday.

Christians believe that Jesus rested in death from the ninth hour (3 pm) on Good Friday until just before dawn on Sunday morning, the day of his resurrection from death, commonly known as Easter Sunday.

Holy Week liturgies generally attract the largest crowds of the year. Many Christian cultures have different traditions such as special liturgies or services, floats, sculptures or live reenactments of Christ’s life, his arrest and crucifixion (also called the Lord’s passion, the Passion of Christ or Passion of Jesus)

Looking at the ‘story’ above, what do you think this week could be about in terms of ‘Lifting one’s consciousness?’

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

40 Days of Love – Day40+5

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace


At the link below, you can find the audio recording of all the Rules. You can randomly choose one and contemplate on it. It may bring you some insight or something to let go of today.


Good Friday, the Holy Week

Today, we are releasing blame and embracing God’s Love for us.

Today, as we release blame we remember the words of ultimate forgiveness:

“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

Also, instead of reading clever words on how to release blame I would like you to image hearing these words inside of you:

forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing

Then move your attention to different events and people in you life so far who may have hurt you. When someone’s name appeared in your consciousness simple do as you are told:

forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing

(Please, remember, we are not forgiving the act but the error in their consciousness)

Then start remembering events where you were at fault, and people who have hurt. Once again do as you are told:

forgive them (him/her); for they (s/he) do not know what they (s/he) are doing

(Here we are forgiving our blame, our judgement against ourselves)

Today we affirm: Today I let go of blame and view every
experience in the light of understanding

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 


Holy Week or Passion Week   

Holy Week in the Christian year is the week immediately before Easter.

Holy Week begins with the commemoration of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, marks the betrayal of Jesus on Spy Wednesday (Holy Wednesday), climaxing with the commemoration of the Mystical or Last Supper on Maundy Thursday and the Passion of Jesus on Good Friday. Holy Week concludes with Christ’s rest in death and descent into hell on Holy Saturday.

Christians believe that Jesus rested in death from the ninth hour (3 pm) on Good Friday until just before dawn on Sunday morning, the day of his resurrection from death, commonly known as Easter Sunday.

Holy Week liturgies generally attract the largest crowds of the year. Many Christian cultures have different traditions such as special liturgies or services, floats, sculptures or live reenactments of Christ’s life, his arrest and crucifixion (also called the Lord’s passion, the Passion of Christ or Passion of Jesus)

Looking at the ‘story’ above, what do you think this week could be about in terms of ‘Lifting one’s consciousness?’

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

40 Days of Love – Day40+4

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace


At the link below, you can find the audio recording of all the Rules. You can randomly choose one and contemplate on it. It may bring you some insight or something to let go of today.


Maundy Thursday, the Holy Week

Today, we are releasing anger and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release anger because it can can consume us, and yet to let it go we must willingly acknowledge its presence. If we attempt to bypass that step on the journey, we allow anger to color our perception of every
area of life. 

Today is Maundy Thursday, a day when we remember the Last Supper. Jesus was a man who could get angry when he wanted to make a point, but not that evening. He humbly washed the feet of his disciples, even Judas. 

I love the story of the feet washing. I cannot imagine a more humble act of loving.


12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. NIV John 13:1-17

Today we affirm: My actions and thoughts are fueled by love

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 


Holy Week or Passion Week   

Holy Week in the Christian year is the week immediately before Easter.

Holy Week begins with the commemoration of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, marks the betrayal of Jesus on Spy Wednesday (Holy Wednesday), climaxing with the commemoration of the Mystical or Last Supper on Maundy Thursday and the Passion of Jesus on Good Friday. Holy Week concludes with Christ’s rest in death and descent into hell on Holy Saturday.

Christians believe that Jesus rested in death from the ninth hour (3 pm) on Good Friday until just before dawn on Sunday morning, the day of his resurrection from death, commonly known as Easter Sunday.

Holy Week liturgies generally attract the largest crowds of the year. Many Christian cultures have different traditions such as special liturgies or services, floats, sculptures or live reenactments of Christ’s life, his arrest and crucifixion (also called the Lord’s passion, the Passion of Christ or Passion of Jesus)

Looking at the ‘story’ above, what do you think this week could be about in terms of ‘Lifting one’s consciousness?’

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

40 Days of Love – Day40+3

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace


At the link below, you can find the audio recording of all the Rules. You can randomly choose one and contemplate on it. It may bring you some insight or something to let go of today.


Today, we are releasing negative thinking and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release negative thinking that is often brought on by the ‘negative news’ coming from the world. 

It is challenging not to get caught up in the craze of the world that lives on drama and negative thoughts. Troubling events in the world are a reality, yet instead of focusing on the negative, we can choose to turn our thoughts to the beauty and wonder that exist everywhere.

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.—Proverbs 16:24

Today we affirm: I focus my thoughts on the goodness
and beauty in the world.

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 


Holy Week or Passion Week   

Holy Week in the Christian year is the week immediately before Easter.

Holy Week begins with the commemoration of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, marks the betrayal of Jesus on Spy Wednesday (Holy Wednesday), climaxing with the commemoration of the Mystical or Last Supper on Maundy Thursday and the Passion of Jesus on Good Friday. Holy Week concludes with Christ’s rest in death and descent into hell on Holy Saturday.

Christians believe that Jesus rested in death from the ninth hour (3 pm) on Good Friday until just before dawn on Sunday morning, the day of his resurrection from death, commonly known as Easter Sunday.

Holy Week liturgies generally attract the largest crowds of the year. Many Christian cultures have different traditions such as special liturgies or services, floats, sculptures or live reenactments of Christ’s life, his arrest and crucifixion (also called the Lord’s passion, the Passion of Christ or Passion of Jesus)

Looking at the ‘story’ above, what do you think this week could be about in terms of ‘Lifting one’s consciousness?’

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

40 Days of Love – Day40+2

40 Days of Letting Go, Letting God

From Release to Embrace


At the link below, you can find the audio recording of all the Rules. You can randomly choose one and contemplate on it. It may bring you some insight or something to let go of today.


Today, we are releasing drama and embracing God’s Love for us.

Our Lent Booklet invites us today to release drama that we often generate as a result of our unsettled mind. We can find that our thoughts that stem in fear end up in drama.

The more we align our hearts and minds with God, the more we are given clear direction. Fear and drama fade away. 

Breathing in slowly and mindfully, slowing to stillness, and filling ourselves up with gratitude pulls us away and frees us from inner and outer drama.

Today we affirm: I release drama and extend peace and love to all

Note : My writing is based on the book “40 Rules of Love” by by Elif Shafak (See more about the book here (click)  ( and The Lent booklet by Unity.org 


Holy Week or Passion Week

Holy Week in the Christian year is the week immediately before Easter.

Holy Week begins with the commemoration of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, marks the betrayal of Jesus on Spy Wednesday (Holy Wednesday), climaxing with the commemoration of the Mystical or Last Supper on Maundy Thursday and the Passion of Jesus on Good Friday. Holy Week concludes with Christ’s rest in death and descent into hell on Holy Saturday.

Christians believe that Jesus rested in death from the ninth hour (3 pm) on Good Friday until just before dawn on Sunday morning, the day of his resurrection from death, commonly known as Easter Sunday.

Holy Week liturgies generally attract the largest crowds of the year. Many Christian cultures have different traditions such as special liturgies or services, floats, sculptures or live reenactments of Christ’s life, his arrest and crucifixion (also called the Lord’s passion, the Passion of Christ or Passion of Jesus)

Looking at the ‘story’ above, what do you think this week could be about in terms of ‘Lifting one’s consciousness?’

Personally, I think it is important to find the True meaning behind the word ‘LOVE’,  understand it and experience it as a Spiritual Quality inherently within us. 

I am going to walk this 40-day Lenten journey contemplating on the True meaning of Love, Divine Love, Spiritual Love for me by experimenting with the 40 rules and quotes from the Lent Booklet. Every day, between 

the 14th of February and the 28th of March 2024,

I will post a ‘rule’ from the book ’40 rules of Love’ and an a release idea from the book ’40 days of Let go, Let God – Lent 2024′ by Unity.org. Then, we will contemplate on it and share about it in the UNITY EUROPE Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).

Download the LENT BOOKLET @this link 2024 Lent English 

Let’s walk this journey together!

Join me by …

either reading the daily blogposts I create – SEE THEM HERE (CLICK) – or joining the FACEBOOK GROUP (CLICK) where I am going to share my writings and daily contemplative questions. I will also post a short video/audio material on the daily posts. (click on the buttons below to join)

The greatest ‘let go’

When you let go of who you are, you become who you might be. Rumi

I have been contemplating on this a lot: What is the greatest ‘let go”? What is the hardest to release for us all? 

I came to the conclusion that it is our own self-image. We, all, are convinced that we are who we think we are. It is a mistake.

We build our image as a result of our upbringing, we build it in defence of what we perceived as threat. Our image is like a mask that covers up our true identity. 

So, why is it so hard to let it go? It is because we are afraid that if we release the mask, we become vulnerable. Plus, most of us believe that the mask is our true self.

How to do it then? The only way to give up the mask is to receive something in return, something greater than what the mask could provide. The mask provides false security. 

So what provides real security?

Nothing does.


When we move into the silence and start aligning ourselves with the Divine Presence, we start releasing all that that stands between our individual Spark and God. The Mask is one of these hindrances. Like peeling an onion we release aspects of ourselves that do not serve us any more. In return we become aware of who we truly are in our Essence. And with that, we start feeling safe in ourselves and in the Arms of the Divine.

Everything I have written above comes from personal experience. I had to deal with a great amount of insecurity as a child. As a result, I created a mask, an alter-ego, who was always strong and capable, whom I could always rely on, who will keep me safe in a violent and cruel world, a fighter.

But the worrier does not give up its dominion very easily. It took me a considerable amount of time to release this false image and allow myself to live who I truly am: a goof-ball. 🙂