Some background info on Pentecost & Passover here
For the next two days we are asked to review the past 50 days and see how far we have come since Easter. At Easter, Jesus was revealed to be one of our guides on the way to Home. His teachings became a source for personal wisdom that must be exercised individually.
So, have you been preparing yourself during the past 50 days for receiving the Wisdom?
For the next two days Wisdom of the Holy Spirit awaits us. New roads can open up that swishes us closer to our freedom in Spirit allowing us to eventually see God’s true face – our guiding light.
Baptism is a meaningless ritual without the presence of the Holy Spirit. True Baptism is when the Holy Spirit descends on the ‘chosen ones’ – those who are committed to the inner journey. This is the moment when Wisdom is revealed, when our question “who am I?’ is answered, and God’s Grace touches our Hearts. At this very moment our Hearts awakens and starts singing the kind of Love Songs that Rumi and Kibran shared with us so beautifully.
The Celebration of Pentecost or Passover reminds us that we are each a song to be sung and that we are a spark in the Wisdom we have been waiting for.
During the next two days we can allow Spirit to touch us with Grace and Wisdom. God’s Heart goes out for us wishing us all to be Happy and Grace-filled. His Wisdom is ours, we only need to open our Hearts and ears to receive it.
Let’s remember that during the time of Penetecost/Passover the Holy Spirit is descending in order to bring us the ‘Message’ that we are saved and free.
As I was sitting in the church in Xewkija this morning meditating and listening to the organ, I occasionally noticed rays of Sun falling on my face. It felt as if God was ensuring me of His promise.